The Penguin


Versão - Batman RPG (1989)

Dex: 3    Str: 2    Body: 4

Int: 9    Will: 4    Mind: 5

Infl: 6    Aura: 5    Spirit: 4

Initiative: 18    Hero Points: 55

Charisma: 6, Gadgetry: 7, Martial Artist: 5, Vehicles: 7, Weaponry: 7

Connections: Suicide Squad (High), Underworld (Low); Connoisseur; Genius; Leadership; Scholar (ornithology, literature)

Irrational Attraction to birds and bird motif crimes

The Penguin always carries a trick umbrella with 10 APs of some surprise Power built into it.


Versão - DC Super Heroes 3rd Edition (1993)

Dex: 3    Str: 2    Body: 4

Int: 9    Will: 4    Mind: 5

Infl: 6    Aura: 6    Spirit: 4

Initiative: 20    Hero Points: 70

Animal Handling (Animal Training): 5, Charisma: 6, Gadgetry: 7, Martial Artist: 5, Vehicles: 7, Weaponry (Exotic): 7

Connections: Suicide Squad (Low), Underworld (High); Connoisseur; Genius; Leadership; Pets (10-20 birds of prey and others); Scholar (birds, literature, chess)

Serious Irrational Attraction to birds and bird motif crimes

  1. 10 AP ACD Omni-Umbrellas (x4)