Bem vindo!!!

Neste site tu encontraràs informaçoes genericas sobre a imigraçao alema e informaçoes sobre a familia Wandersee, tipo: significado do sobrenome, orignes, quem eram e onde se estabeleceram e etc.

Familia alema com origens na regiao de Stolp-Pomerania, começaram a imigrar a partir da secunda metade de 1800 principalmente para os Estados Unidos. Porem alguns representantes destes imigrantes tambem foram o a Australia e Brasil. Tenho por objetivo resgatar e preservar para a atual e para as futuras geraçoes, o legado historico vivido por nossos patriarcas; para nos lembrarmos com orgulho de nossas raizes. Guardando em nossas memorias o bom exemplo daqueles que sairam de sua terra natal, desbravando matas, passando ate mesmo fome, porem sempre adubando o solo por onde passaram com o arduo suor de seu trabalho.

    Roberto Vandersee Spillare

    In this website you will find general information about German immigration and about the Wandersee Family, such as: the surname meaning, its roots, who they were and where they were based, etc.

    The German family Wandersee originated in the Stolp-Pomeran region. Their immigration started by late 1800’s, mainly to the United States of America, although some of them also went to Australia and Brazil.

    My intention here is to bring back this family legacy and preserve it; only then, we can proudly remember our roots. Yet, we will keep in our memories the honourable model of those who left their home to explore jungles. Those who went through even starvation, but always fertilized the soil with the sweat of their hard work.

    With Attention
      Roberto Vandersee Spillari
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      " Para todos os WANDERSEE e VANDERSEE do mundo !!! For all WANDERSEE and VANDERSEE around the world !!!