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Dark Visitor

Ice Age to end Global Warming in 2008

Global warming may not be our problem, if the Harvard educated authors of Dark Visitor are correct in their prediction that a new Ice Age will begin in 2008. Prior ice ages have been caused by minor variations in earth's orbit (<1%) and/or slight changes in solar activity. From minor perturbations now observed in Pluto's orbit, these authors infer that a small black hole is approaching the solar system and that it will change earth's orbit by 8%. Contrary to all prior ice ages, which have taken thousands of years to develop, the coming ice age will have a very rapid onset. By 2025, Washington DC will be under approximately 100 feet of ice! Before that, falling ocean levels will make all ports useless as ice is stored on land.


Dark Visitor may be just an entertaining scientific hoax. It may be only a vehicle used in a unique, non-textbook style to explain how the climate works and many physical laws. Readers of Dark Visitor will learn how snow delivers tropical heat to Norway, why the prevailing winds in the USA come from the west, etc. While reading this scary story, they will come to understand this and other aspects of the weather and climate.

This WebPage concludes with a section of text from Dark Visitor in which even the complex, climate controlling, Coriolis Force is made crystal clear to the average reader. (Many students have memorized an equation for calculating it, but do not understand its origin or recognize that it is not a true force.) With other specific climatic illustrations, Dark Visitor also explains Taylor Instabilities, thermohaline ocean circulation, heats of evaporation and fusion. An astounding amount of physics is mixed into the story of Dark Visitor. For example, all three of Kepler's laws are explained and used in the analysis, but they are integrated into the scary story and never even named. Because the physical information is an integral part of the narration, the reader will rarely recognize that they are being taught. Dark Visitor is an entertaining way to learn, without effort, about:

Stellar Evolution Theory: (Formation of white dwarfs, red giants, neutron stars, and black holes). Gravity gradient effects: (Why two tides daily, etc.). Pulsars: (Magnetic field compression, Stark Effect pair production, Synchrotron Radiation, Angular Momentum changes, including the rare "glitches" when pulse rate increases, History of pulsar as Little Green Men). Inverse Square Laws: (Both gravity and solar radiation). Central Forces: ("Reduced Mass" approach to scattering). Sun's Future: (a red giant) Dark Matter: (How we know it exists) Coordinate System Transformations. (Translation only) Stephen Hawkin's black holes: (Evaporation of). Magnetic Monopoles: (Experiments to detect). Astronomical Coordinates (orbital elements vs. apparent location). Conservation Laws. (Energy and Momentum) Black Holes (Types and as a speculative source of new universes), Planet Retrograde Motion (Why and when it occurs). The Moon (Why it is moving away). Dark Visitor uses specific propositions from Newton's book (Principles…), presents a three-body orbital-dynamics program with error reducing refinements applicable to all finite time step models -- All this physics is presented as a natural part of a scary and captivating story, without textbook teaching style.

Learn more about Dark Visitor at the following specific links:

  1. [Home Page Presentation]
  2. [This Page: The physics and climate change included in Dark Visitor]
  3. [Graphical results describing the new earth orbit etc.]
  4. [Synopsis of the book]
  5. [Sample pages of the text]
  6. [Not Defined]

Read for FREE! at: www.iUniverse.com
(downloading one page at a time via browse.)

Dark Visitor is only $12 at Amazon.com, if slow downloading annoys you.

Questions / comments to: Local_Black_Hole@Yanhoo.com

Why a Dark Visitor is bringing Mankind's worst Catastrophe

When the universe was young and denser, large stars were the rule. They aged rapidly and left many generations of stellar-core black holes behind. There are now more of these small black holes than all of the current stars. The larger of two black holes formed by "sister stars" passed far from the sun in the late 1920s. It perturbed Neptune's orbit and tilted Pluto's orbit plane. Pluto did not perturb Neptune, as is widely believed. (Pluto is smaller than the moon; Neptune is 17.2 times larger than the earth, and they are never closer than 17AU or 17 times the earth/sun separation.)

Current perturbations of Pluto's orbit indicate that the second of these sister black holes will pass by the sun in late 2007, more distant that Saturn's orbit. It has 2.2 solar masses. Its gravity will slightly modify earth's orbit, producing a 378-day year and eccentricity = 0.0836. A rapid-onset ice age will begin in 2008 and accelerate as earth's albedo increases. Another WebPage link gives details of this climatic change and explains why the problem in the Southern Hemisphere will be floods, not ice.

Sample Text: Explaining West Winds and Coriolis Force Effects

"... At the equator, both the land and the air are moving at about 1000 miles per hour, if seen from the moon (or any other point traveling through space with the earth). This is because at the equator it is approximately 24,000 miles around the earth and the air must go around in 24 hours. Citizens of Ecuador don't notice this speed because they are also going around at 1000 miles per hour. This "free speed" is why all space-rocket launch-centers are as near to the equator as the launching nation can place them. Relative to the land, the speed of the moving air (we call it wind) is much less, but these high equatorial speeds have an enormous effect upon the climate.

At Lisbon's latitude the distance around the earth is only about 3/4 the circumference of the equator, so there the air is only moving at 750 miles per hour to go around with Lisbon in 24 hours. If you could instantly move a big chunk of this Lisbon air to the equator, the earth would be running under it so fast that the wind would come out of the East at 250 miles per hour. Obviously a mass of Lisbon air can not be transported instantly but recall from the discussion of a non-spinning earth's climate that the surface winds should tend to come from high latitudes and move towards the equator. Thus, as Lisbon's air moves south, it tends to head west also as it is not going around the earth fast enough to keep up with the land (or ocean) spinning under it. By the time this air from Lisbon gets near the equator, it is mainly moving towards the West as seen from the deck of a ship in the tropical ocean. On its trip southward, this air mass gained most of equatorial speed from friction with the surface – making steady winds towards the west, not 250 mile / hour gales!

Local weather phenomena such as warm clouds rising and cold air descending tend to keep the lower parts of the tropical atmosphere mixed and all moving towards the west, at least as the air mass moves west from Africa, but recall from the non-spinning earth model, this warmer air must also tend to go towards the poles to replace the air which is going toward the equator. Thus all year long east of the Caribbean region there is a general climatic circulation of air along the path of typical hurricanes - westward from Africa but turning northward.

Columbus may not have understood why (as I hope you do now) but he knew you could find good reliable winds to the west if you first went south from Spain/Portugal along the West Coast of Africa towards the equator. Even today these dependable winds from the east in the tropics are call the "trade winds" because they were so important for trade between the new and old worlds when ships were moved only by the wind. As surface air that was once near Lisbon or Oslo travels west from Africa these trade winds acquire both heat and moisture from the ocean. This moisture (water vapor) represents a tremendous store of energy, which as the weather begins to cool in the fall, can condense (rain) and release this energy in the form of a hurricane. In the winter, even more energy (heat) can be gently released as this moisture condenses into snow. This helps to keep Oslo etc. from becoming too cold. Even when you understand it, it is hard to believe, but true, that lots of snow helps keeps Oslo warmer than Boston!

In summary, one can say that the excess heat of the tropics and the spin of the earth combine to give a clockwise circulation (when view from space) to the climatic wind patterns in the Northern Hemisphere. Or more generally, for both hemispheres, it is true that the prevailing winds over the oceans in the tropics move towards the west and then turn towards the poles. Thus in the Southern Hemisphere the climatic circulation is counter clockwise.

The clockwise circulation in the Northern Hemisphere is also caused by the fact that by the time this tropical air mass is at Boston's latitude, it is now traveling too fast towards the east for the surface under it, making winds to the east from the west. The same is true in the Southern Hemisphere but it is a counter clockwise circulation that takes air from Argentina eastward towards Southern Africa. The "pole seeking" equatorial air is moving too fast towards the east as it travels toward the poles. (Just as the "equator seeking" mass of polar air from Lisbon or Oslo was moving too slow as it went south.) Thus, at America's latitude, the prevailing winds come out of the west and blow towards the east because they still "remember" part of their equatorial speed. ... The "force" that causes north or south moving masses of air or water to be deflected sideways (the clockwise turning in the Northern Hemisphere just discussed) is called the Coriolis force, after the French engineer Gaspard Coriolis who explained to Napoleon why his long-range cannon fire was always falling a little to the right of the target if the target was north or south of the gun, but was "on target" if the gun was aimed either east or west. (Napoleon began his career as an artillery officer and was always interested in science1.)..."

1 Perhaps he intuitively understood the germ theory decades before either Pasteur or Semmelweis. He supported the development of canned food. It can be argued plausibly that canned food was more responsible for his military victories than his generalship. (He could mount long campaigns in distant lands and yet feed his army, but his supply of canned food was no match for the Russian winter.) As Caesar said: "An army travels on its stomach."