Sugar Apple Sugar Apple
A History Of An Independent Band Sugar Apple are: Edson (vocals and guitar), Igor (bass) and Rodrigo (drums). A brazilian band from São Paulo, they have been playing together since 1999. They've got a experience from their influences, each band's member have a different taste of music.
Their lyrics are political, agressive and reflective, distorted guitar and a strong bass makes sounds like a powerful band.
They are playing at bars in Brazil and recorded a demo called "Sugar Apple", musics like "Repressão"
(Repression) who talks about the governament and all injustice in this world, "Diga Algo" (Say Anything) angry plus love and "Barulho Social" (Social Noise) midia plus marketing are just one of their interisting work. They arent just another band, they have something good to say. Did you get some interest about them? Then dont waste your time, mail them and check out more informations and you'll know what we're talking about. Email: Sugar Apple