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Bradford Family Roots

Witton Park & Darlington

Durham Cathedral
Durham Cathedral

George Bradford, the father of the Bradford Brothers:-
Mr George Bradford (son of Thomas Bradford and Isabella Nicholson) was born on 21st March 1845 at a village called Churnside / Chirnside, which is just on the Scottish side of the border. He was at first educated in Northumberland, but later went to Houghton-le-Spring Grammar School where began his lifelong attachment to the County of Durham.

He served his time at the Earl of Durham's Lambton Collieries. After receiving his certificate as a mining engineer, he became a colliery manager at the same Lambton Collieries.

He remained single until 1885. Then at the age of 40 he married Amy Marion Andrews from Willesborough near Ashford in Kent.
At about that time he was appointed manager at Messrs. H. Stobart's Bishop Auckland Collieries. He stayed there for some time, living in nearby Witton Park over the years during which his four sons were born.

Census 1891
An examination of the 1891 Census results show that Mr George Bradford and eldest son Thomas were both away from home at that time. The Census entry provides us with the following details:-
Entry No 117 (Carwood House), village of Witton Park, Civil Parish of Escomb, Rural Sanitary District of Bishop Auckland, Parliamentary Division (illegible!), Administrative County of Durham.. and the records further show that there were 6 people residing in the Bradford home on that day. The six people living in the house are listed as follows:

Amy M Bradford - Wife - Married - Age 32 - Born: Kent, Willesborough
George N Bradford - Son - Single - Age ? - Born: Durham, Etherley
James B Bradford - Son - Single - Age ? - Born: Durham, Etherley
Jane Ward - Serv. - Married - Age 32 - Domestic Servant - Born: Durham,Etherley
Elizabeth Bulmer - Serv. - Single - Age 18 - Cook Dom. - Born: Durham, Etherley
Annie Mead - Serv. - Single - Age 18 - Housemaid - Born: Durham Hamsterley

After living in Witton Park for some years, George Bradford developed a small colliery of his own (thought by Vera Bradford to have been Carterthorne Pit near Evenwood south of Bishop Auckland), though there seems to be no written record of the location of that colliery.

George Bradford was a man with wider interests too. He was a manager of the local school in Witton Park (his signature can be seen in the school log book). He was also the chairman of a Steel Company near Darlington and chairman of the Newport Abercarn Collieries down in South Wales. He also visited and inspected coal properties as far away as Canada and Spain.
Dale Daniel's photo of Carrwood House, the Bradford Home in Witton Park

This is a photograph of the Bradford home (Carrwood House) taken in September 2001 by Dale Daniel.

The four boys were all born in Witton Park County Durham, but their sister Amy was not born until 9 years later.

Thomas Andrews Bradford, born 1886
George Nicholson Bradford, born 23rd April 1887
James Barker Bradford, born 11th December 1889
Roland Boys Bradford, born 23rd February 1892

In about 1894 the Bradfords moved to near Darlington, to Morton Palms Farm where they remained for four years. From the farm into Darlington was four miles and all the boys walked to school and walked back home again afterwards through all manner of wind and weather. In 1898 the family moved again. This time they moved right into Darlington itself, to a house they called 'Milbanke', which was on Milbank Road. And it was 'Milbanke' where the boys' sister Amy ("Baby" they often called her, and later "Ginger") was born on 3rd May 1901. While they lived in Darlington the brothers attended Darlington Grammar School (now Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College) where there is a memorial plaque with their medals in commemoration of them. In the year 1911 George Bradford senior died. Then finally, not long after the war, Mrs Bradford moved back down south to Kent, the county of her birth. She bought a house in Ravenlea Road, Folkstone, and called her new home.... 'Milbanke'. Mrs Bradford's grand-daughter Waveney now lives in a house she has called 'Milbanke' a few miles east of Folkestone in the town of Deal!

B & W pic of Mrs Bradford with the 5 children

This photograph of Mrs Amy Bradford with all 5 children ( + 'Dixie' the dog being held by Jimmie! - back row left) doesn't really belong on this page because it must have been taken after they all left Witton Park for Darlington.

Aerial Pic of Carwood House, the Witton Park home of the Bradford's

Aerial view of Carwood House (the right-hand residence of the semi-detached property in the foreground): the Bradford's home at Witton Park County Durham.

pic of Main Street Witton Park
Main Street - Witton Park - at end of 1800's

Map of Witton Park 1897
Map of Witton Park as it was in 1897. ** Carwood House is shown as being in right-central foreground quite near St Paul's Church **

Pic of St Paul's Church at Witton Park Bishop Auckland

St Paul's Church at Witton Park, County Durham - the Bradford's local Church.

Over the years some prominent individuals have had connections with the church and with Witton Park County Durham. Brigadier-General Roland Boys Bradford, V.C., M.C. is believed to have been the youngest general in the British Army. Roland was born at Carwood House in WITTON PARK on 23rd February 1892 and christened in St. Paul's Church there on 23rd March 1892 by the Revd. Charles Aubrey.

Pic of Methodist Chapel & St Paul's Church

Methodist Chapel, with St Paul's Church Witton Park over to the right.

The soaring fortunes of "The Rose & Crown" at Witton Park County Durham

Pic of the old Rose & Crown around 1910

The Rose & Crown as it was about 1910 in Black Road, later re-named Park Road.

and NOW
Pic of the NEW Rose & Crown in Witton Park = rosencrown_NEW.jpg
The Rose & Crown in Witton Park in the year 2000

The less good fortunes of the War Memorial Institute and "those famous poplars"
For each man that fell in the 1914-18 war, a poplar was planted behind the War Memorial Institute...... for the lads, such as J Humble and J Swinbank and dozens of others, those poplars were planted to preserve the memory of their bravery on our behalf. But, in the words of Dale Daniel "alas, the poplars and the Institute are no longer there".
It is left for pages like this one to keep forever fresh the memory of our relatives who gave all their tomorrows for our own today, and for events like "The Gathering" in July 2000 to keep alive the sort of things those men never came home to enjoy.

Pic of those famous poplars at Witton Park
"Those Famous Poplars" - one planted for each man who fell in the First World War.

4 x Pic Collage _ The Battling Bradford's of Witton Park

The Bradford Brothers of Witton Park County Durham

Dale Daniel's pic of the Rose Window at St Paul's Church, Witton Park

The Rose Window in St Paul's Church at Witton Park. The original Rose Window was in commemoration of Roland Bradford. It was destroyed by vandalism around 1989, but has since been replaced by this new window and a Memorial Plaque.

Dale Daniel's photo of the Plaque in St Paul's Church
The Memorial Plaque in St Paul's Church, Witton Park, commemorating Roland Bradford who was christened here in this building.

pic 'Milbanke' the Bradford's house in Milbank Road, Darlington
"Milbanke" - the house where the Bradford Family lived in Darlington . . . photograph taken from the Darlington and South Durham News article of November 26th 1997, entitled 'Heroic brothers gave their all'

LINK to the website for a history of WITTON PARK County Durham

The County of Durham is still producing men who will not lie down under the heel of the oppressor.

SUNDERLAND METRIC MARTYRS Click HERE to see the latest details of this important new battle by Steve Thoburn, Neil Herron and their families, against tyranny on the Home Front

*D.L.I. Museum is situated at Aykley Heads, Durham, County Durham, DH1 5TU

PIC of the 4 Brothers together

Summary page about all four brothers

Durham Light Infantry Museum Details concerning Roland Bradford

Summary details and short biography of Roland Bradford by Malcolm McGregor

Mention of Roland Bradford in Brigadier Young's Book on Rommel

List of V Cs awarded at the Battles of the Somme

Roland B. Bradford:- Details from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records

Click here for page of Tribute Letters about Roland Bradford

Click here to see page with details of Memorials & Plaques in Roland's memory

Click here for Roland's Address to his New Troops fresh out from England

George N. Bradford:- Details from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records

James B. Bradford:- Details from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records

Thomas A. Bradford:- Details and photographs from the family

Amy Isabelle Bradford - the younger schoolgirl sister

The Bradford Brothers' Memorial Plaque at Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College in Darlington, County Durham

LINK to Memorial to George Bradford at Blankenberghe Town Cemetery

LINK to Albert McKenzie and the other Zeebrugge V.C.'s

LINK to Mike Chapman's Victoria Cross Reference

LINK to British Light Infantry Regiments' site

LINK to the Durham Light Infantry site

LINK to D. L. I. Museum website

LINK to The War Graves Commission

LINK to Peter van den Heuvel & Marco Hoveling's site with information on location of Roland's grave


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