School of Business - BCIT

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COURSE OUTLINE FOR: BUSA 2100 - Principles of Management

Date: Term B, Spring 2004

TAUGHT TO: Program: OPMT & INTT                         TAUGHT BY:  Business Administration





Total Hours:



A 2003















Total Weeks:





Instructor:  Wilf Ratzburg


Office No.  SE6 – 305

Office No. 

E-mail: / Phone: 604-925-0730


E-mail:                     / Phone:

Office Hours:  as posted on office door

Office Hours:  : 



Short Course Description and Goals (from BCIT website):  A study of the basic concepts of the management process: planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Integrated with the concurrent first term courses and using a team project, it creates opportunities for the students to develop analytical, problem solving, teamwork, and communications skills. Topics covered include: structuring organizations, decision-making and an introduction to production, human resources, controlling, and strategic and tactical planning.



Policy:  Students must pass individual components of the course to receive credit for the group work

Final Examination


% individual component



% individual component

Management Project


% group component

Lab participation / attendance


% individual component





Text(s) and Equipment:



Prior Learning Assessment Method: (enter N/A if not available) N/A


Copies of this outline available at



I verify that the content of this course outline is current: (Instructor)




I verify that this course outline has been reviewed: (Chief Instructor/Program Head)




I verify that this course outline complies with BCIT policy: (Associate Dean)






Course Learning Outcomes:

·         Understanding of the importance of an organization’s environment in shaping management practices

·         Understanding of the importance of an organization’s culture in shaping management practices

·         Understanding the key functions of management (planning, organizing, leading and controlling)

·         Working in teams to analyze business problems

·         Working in teams to give class presentations of business solutions

·         Developing skills in written and verbal presentations

·         Developing skills in working effectively as a member/leader in a team

At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

·         Describe the roles of an organization’s environment and culture play in shaping management practices

·         Describe the changing role and functions of management in business

·         Critically evaluate the role of managers in today’s business

·         Assess the impacts of alternative management approaches on an organization

·         Analyze and evaluate business situations involving management issues and develop appropriate responses to improve the situation by:

·         Apply commonly used management models and methodologies for analysis

·         Develop appropriate alternatives and solutions

·         Present recommendations and an action plan

·         Work effectively as a team member

·         Make effective verbal presentations



Course Notes (Policies & Procedures)

·         Assignments: Late assignments or projects will not be accepted for marking.  Assignments must be done on an individual basis unless otherwise specified by the instructor.


·         Attendance:  The attendance policy as outlined in the current BCIT Calendar will be enforced.


·         Course Outline Changes:  The material specified in this course outline may be changed by the instructor.  If changes are required, they will be announced in class.


·         Ethics:  BCIT assumes that all students attending the Institute will follow a high standard of ethics.  Incidents of cheating or plagiarism may, therefore, result in a grade of zero for the assignment, quiz, test, exam or project for all parties involved and /or expulsion from the course.


·         Illness:  A doctor's note is required for any illness causing you to miss assignments, quizzes, test, projects or exam.  At the discretion of the instructor, you may complete the work missed or have the work prorated (i.e. an average is given according to your performance throughout the course)


·         Makeup Tests, Exams or Quizzes:  There will be no makeup tests, exams or quizzes.  If you miss a test, exam or quiz, you will receive zero marks.  Exceptions may be made for documented medical reasons or extenuating circumstances.


·         Labs:  Lab attendance is mandatory.  Lab exercises are due at the end of the lab period.


·         I.D. Required in Examination Centres:  Effective December 2000, in order to write exams, students will be required to produce photo-identification at examination centres.  Photo I.D. must be placed on the desk before an exam will be issued to the student.  The I.D. must remain in view on the desk while writing the exam, for inspection by invigilators.  Students should bring a BCIT OneCard or, alternatively, two pieces of identification, one of which must be government photo I.D. such as a driver’s license.  Please see BCIT Policy #5300, Formal Invigilation Procedures.


·         Students must pass the individual components of the course in order to receive credit for the grades on group work.

Assignment Details:


EXAMS – (50% = 15% Quiz + 35% Final)

There will be a quiz worth 15% of your grade for the course. The content of the quiz will be taken from the material covered in the lectures and labs prior to the date of the quiz.


Details about the final exam will be provided later.


MANAGEMENT PROJECT-- (40% =  Presentation + Written Report)

See separate handout.



Your grade for participation will be determined by regular attendance, the extent to which you are prepared for class, your contribution to class discussions and the extent to which you enable others to participate.  Your ability to demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviours including attendance, participation, and self-management in various school settings, both individually and in teams will be taken into consideration.


Excellent participation (8-10%) is defined as a student attending all labs, consistently participating and moving ahead in class discussions. Volunteering high quality analysis and insights or applications of course content. Assisting other class members in development and understanding of course objectives. Helping others to participate effectively. Being punctual and attentive.


Satisfactory participation (6-7%) is defined as a student missing no more than one lab, being prepared with good observations and analysis when called upon. Understanding assigned readings and being able to explain the concepts put forth in the text. Participating in a manner that is not dominating or overwhelming of others. Not distracting others.  


Unsatisfactory participation (0-5%) is defined as not being prepared when called upon, missing classes, presenting poorly reasoned observations and analysis, being "off task" in lab activities, not contributing to large class discussions or small group activities, dominating class or small group discussions, talking with other classmates at inappropriate times, etc.






A.   WEEK #1

1.     Lecture

a)      Course Introduction

(1)   Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling
(2)   Historical Perspective

2.     Lab

a)      Course Outline

b)      Course Expectations

(1)   Email instructor
(2)   Exams
(3)   Assignments
(4)   Presentations

c)      Introductions

d)      Determination of project groups

e)      Assignment due next week in Lab:

(1)   Internet search for:
(a)     Corporate mission statements
(b)     Corporate goals

(i)       Departmental goals

(c)     Corporate objectives

(i)       Departmental objectives

(d)     Corporate policies

(i)       Departmental policies

(e)     Corporate regulations

(i)       Departmental regulations

(2)   Class presentation of findings (due next week)
(3)   Class discussion of the relationship between mission statements, goals, objectives, policies, regulations, rules, budgets (due next week)

B.   WEEK #2

1.     Lecture

a)      Corporate environment

(1)   PEST

b)      Internal corporate variables

(1)   Organizational culture
(2)   Technology

c)      SWOT

(1)   Internal = SW
(2)   External = OT

2.     Lab

a)      Class presentation of findings re mission statements, goals, objectives, policies, regulations, budgets

b)      Class discussion of the relationship between the concepts above

(1)   What is the role of the mission statement?
(2)   Who is the audience for the mission statement?
(a)     Internal?

(i)       Employees?

(ii)     Management?

(b)     External?

(i)       Shareholders?

(ii)     Customers?

(iii)    Other stakeholders?

c)      Assignment (due in class next week)

(1)   Corporate Social Responsibility
(a)     Internet or library search

(i)       What is Milton Friedman’s position on corporate social responsibility?

(ii)     What is the antithesis of Friedman’s position on corporate responsibility?

(b)     What is your opinion on the subject of corporate responsibility?
(c)     Class presentation on the above (due next week) – be prepared to debate both sides of this issue

C.   WEEK #3

1.     Lecture

a)      Planning

(1)   Writing mission statements
(2)   Writing goals/objectives
(a)     Who, what, where, how, when
(b)     Comparing well-written objectives with ones that are poorly written
(c)     The relationship between objectives and budgets

(i)       MBO

(ii)     ZBB

2.     Lab

a)      Class presentations on corporate responsibility

b)      Class discussion on corporate responsibility

c)      Assignment (due next week – class presentation)

(1)   Class presentation on progress of team project (due next week)
(a)     Mission

(i)       Vision?

(ii)     Philosophy?

(b)     Goals

(i)       Objectives

(c)     PEST Analysis

D.   WEEK #4

1.     Lecture

a)      Corporate stakeholders: who/what are they?

b)      Corporate responsibility

c)      Corporate ethics

2.     Lab

a)      Class presentation on progress of Management Project

(1)   Mission
(a)     Vision?
(b)     Philosophy?
(2)   Goals
(3)   Objectives
(a)     Policies?
(b)     Procedures?
(c)     Rules? Regulations?
(4)   PEST Analysis

E.   WEEK #5

1.     Lecture

a)      Organizing

2.     Lab

a)      Self-assessment exercise: Team Health & Team Effectiveness


b)      Assignment (due next week)

(1)   Class presentation of team project progress
(a)     SWOT Analysis

F.    WEEK #6

1.     Lecture


2.     Lab

a)      Self-assessment exercise: “How well do you fit into a bureaucracy?” Robbins and Kotze

b)      Self-assessment exercise: “How power oriented are you?” Robbins and Kotze

c)      Class presentation of team project progress

(i)       SWOT Analysis

d)      Assignment (due next 2 weeks): Management Project: team presentation

G.  WEEK #7

1.     Lecture

a)      Leading

(1)   Motivation
(2)   Leadership
(a)     Power
(b)     Authority

2.     Lab

a)      Management Project: team presentation

H.   WEEK #8

1.     Lecture

a)      Controlling

2.     Lab

a)      Assignment (due next 2 weeks): Management Project: team presentation


*This schedule is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.