busa2100logo.jpg (8307 bytes) BUSA 2100 POSSIBLE EXAM QUESTIONS


  1. Define Management.  1) Identify and define each of management’s functions (planning, organizing, leading, controlling) within your definition; 2) Describe the interrelationship between each of management functions. Lecture 01 Slideshow
  2. It could be said that modern management began in the late 19th Century with Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management.  1) Describe Scientific Management; 2) Identify the 4 main principles of Scientific Management; 3) Discuss the problems associated with Scientific Management. Lecture 01 Slideshow
  3. What are the key principles of Scientific Management? Describe the pros and cons of using the principles of Scientific Management as a guide to managing firms.
  4. Administrative Management sought to improve organizations through efficiency and effectiveness. 1) Define Bureaucracy as introduced by Max Weber; 2) Describe and discuss each of Weber’s Bureaucratic Principles; Lecture 01 Slideshow
  5. The Hawthorne Studies have been hailed as “the most important contribution to the development of Organizational Behaviour”.   1) Describe The Hawthorne Studies; 2) How, specifically, did the Hawthorne Studies change the dominant view at the time that “employees were no different from machines”. Lecture 01 Slideshow
  6. The Hawthorne Studies played a significant role in the evolution of management thought. What was the prevailing management paradigm when the Hawthorne Studies were initiated? Describe some of the key elements of the Hawthorne Studies. What were two of the key findings of the Hawthorne Studies? Why were these findings important? How did these findings change the way in which management scholars and practitioners looked at the process of management (what was the paradigm shift)? In your answer, describe what is meant by the "Hawthorne Effect"?
  7. Describe what the following individuals contributed to the development of modern theories of management?
    1. Adam Smith
    2. Frederick Taylor
    3. Max Weber
    4. Frank & Lillian Gilbreth Lecture 01 Slideshow
  8. Peter Drucker distinguished between “Efficiency” and “Effectiveness”.  Define each term (use examples to illustrate these definitions). Discuss the importance of these concepts to a manager. Lecture 01 Slideshow
  9. Mission statements, goals, objectives, policies, procedures, regulations, job descriptions, and budgets are all essential to corporate success. Define three of these concepts and describe how they are linked or related. Give examples illustrating how these concepts might be associated with organizational success. 
  10. Distinguish between mission statements, goals, objectives, policies, plans, and budgets (How are they related, and how are they different?). In your BUSA 2100 assignment, you examined the mission statements of two firms. List these two statements and describe how these statements were operationalized (what did the firms do to fulfill the intent of the mission statement)?
  11. Describe Management by Objectives. What are the benefits of MBO? What are some of the criticisms of MBO?
  12. Compare the main points outlined in Friedman’s Profit Motive Theory with Nader’s Corporate Accountability Theory, and Uyl’s Corporate Natural Rights Theory. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Dialogue
  13. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be defined as “a business firm’s obligation beyond that required by law and economics, to pursue long-term goals that are good for society”. Outline Milton Friedman’s Classical View of CSR.  Argue either “for” or “against” his Classical View of CSR.  Support your view with at least 5 supporting arguments.
  14. The thoughts of Milton Friedman, on the topic of corporate social responsibility, can be summed up, as "the business of business is business". In an article criticizing the notion of corporate social responsibility, Friedman wrote: "...there is one and only one social responsibility of business—to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud." Do you agree or disagree? Why? To demonstrate that you understand the issues being discussed here, please articulate the opposing perspective as well.
  15. Firms do not exist in a vacuum. From a systems perspective, firms are subject to the influence of numerous factors in their environments. List and describe four environmental factors that can influence the operations of a firm. Be specific and give examples in your answer.
  16. The Organizational Environment encompasses all the forces outside the organization’s boundaries that can impact it. 1) Compare and contrast “Opportunities” and “Threats” within the organizational environment context. Lecture 02 Slideshow
  17. The External Environment is comprised of The General/Global Environment and the Task/Specific Environment:  1) List and describe the components of the General Environment and the Task / Specific Environment; 2) Explain why knowledge of the various components of the environment is important to managers (example may useful)? Lecture 02 Slideshow
  18. Firms may attempt to adapt to their environments, or they may try to influence their environments. List and describe three ways in which organizations cope with uncertainty by influencing their environments. Be specific and give examples.
  19. SWOT Analysis is an important tool for doing environmental analyses.   Describe SWOT and explain how an organization can use a SWOT analysis to its advantage. Lecture 03 Slideshow (SWOT Analysis)
  20. In your BUSA 2100 assignment, you did a SWOT analysis of two firms. Compare and contrast the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of these companies.
  21. What is Strategy? Clearly define the concept of strategy, including in your examination a) the aim of strategy and b) the five tasks of strategic management. Specifically explore how each of the five tasks of strategic management is essential to effective Strategic Planning. Lecture 04 Slideshow (Planning & Strategy)
  22. A management text states: "Delegation of authority must be commensurate with responsibility." Define the terms responsibility, authority, delegation, and power. What does this statement mean? In terms of organizing in a firm, how are these concepts related? How are they different? Give examples to illustrate your points.
  23. Clearly define and distinguish between the concepts of a) Power, b) Authority, and c) Span of Management. Outline the factors that influence the Span of Management and the factors associated with large spans of control. Lecture 05 Slideshow (Organizing)
  24. Clearly define and distinguish between the following concepts: a) Accountability, b) Responsibility, and c) Delegation. Explore why and how (i.e. provide specific examples) all three concepts are integral to effective management of organizations. Lecture 05 Slideshow (Organizing)
  25. Departmentalization can be defined as a grouping of jobs according to some logical arrangement.  Clearly define and distinguish between functional and product departmentalization and identify problems associated with each.  Which type of organization would be best suited to each mode of departmentalization?  Why? Lecture 05 Slideshow (Organizing)
  26. Clearly compare and contrast the concepts of tall versus flat organizational structures. How would working in a flat structure be different from working in a tall structure? Consider all of the following in your response:
    1. Organization
    2. Supervision
    3. Autonomy
    4. Feedback
  27. Oticon: The Spaghetti Organization.  Clearly outline the “Free Market Forces” created by Oticon’s new organizational structure.  To what extent was the creation of these  “Free Market Forces” successful / unsuccessful for Oticon?  Why?  Provide specific examples to explain your answers. Source:  Oticon Case
  28. The Oticon “dis-organization” case took place in Denmark. Do you think a spaghetti-type organization such as Oticon, in the early 1990’s, could be created in any country, or do you think that it is an organization that would be unique to Denmark? Why? Lecture 07 Slideshow & Oticon Case
  29. What is corporate culture? What are the advantages (and disadvantages) of a strong corporate culture? Please give examples to demonstrate that you understand this concept. Lecture 07 Slideshow
  30. Define the concept of "corporate culture". Some elements of corporate culture are clearly "visible" while others are "invisible". List, describe, and give examples of three elements of visible corporate culture. Give two examples of invisible corporate culture.
  31. It is said that corporate culture (organizational culture) operates at several levels. What are the characteristics of these levels – that is, what are the indicators or manifestations? Be sure to give examples to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Lecture 07 Slideshow
  32. You have just completed your Management Project. Please describe how your team executed the four functions of management in this team project (use specific examples from you team experience). Did your team encounter any management difficulties (please be specific in your description of these difficulties)? How were these difficulties overcome or resolved (or not)? If you had this experience to do over again, what would you recommend that your team do differently?
  33. In your project team, were there times when you operated like Oticon - the organic spaghetti model? If so - what were the benefits of this flexibility? If not, what structure did you choose and what were the benefits of this for your group? (list 4 benefits) Oticon Case & Lecture 05 Slideshow