American Education Research Association

Annual Meeting Symposia

Chicago, Il., 21-25 April, 2003


Symposium title:The Classroom Challenge of New Literacies

Truth value/building common ground in web environments: A model of e-credibility (Christina Haas)
Do-it-yourself broadcasting: Weblogs in a knowledge society (Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel)
'Silicon literacies': Their place in school and school's place in them (Ilana Snyder)
The Internet as artifact: Immediacy, evolution, and educational contingencies (Steve Thorne)


Symposium Title: Bucks, Bytes and Benefits: Accounting for New Technology Investment in Social Contexts of Learning Disadvantage

Reading gender in the technobiographies of adolescents(Kevin Leander, Dana Cammack, Beth Aplin-Rollins)
Accounting for Latino students' learning: Literacies, new technologies and education achievement in 5 southern Californian schools(Michele Knobel)
Home and School 'Silicon Literacy' Practices and Disadvantage (Ilana Snyder, Lawrence Angus and Wendy Sutherland-Smith)
The rhetoric and reality of aid: A critical look at shared responsibility (Mark Warschauer)
The National Grid for Learning: Impediment to learning?(Colin Lankshear)
Discussant: Chip Bruce


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