
The Languages of the Stars:

Constructed Languages in Fact, and Science Fiction

tlhIngan Hol Language Lessons

Joel Anderson

click here to go to the Universal Translator Assistant Project

Universal Translator Assistant using the technology of today to bring the theories of yesterday to the languages of tomorrow

"Targh Hol": UTA translations English <-> Klingon (or language of your choice).
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Important: What is Wrong with this? - why UTA isn't a translator

Click here for Java Universal Translator Assistant

Java based Galactic Dictionary - run it in your browser!

Here is the current (based on the Zvelbil lexicon) Vulcan Dictionary - now available for download: PC and open source versions
Vulcan Dictionary Look Up:

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Open Source Klingon Software!

My Commodore 64 speaks Klingon! And yours can too!