"Weird" People

I am a very accepting person. I know that people are the filthiest animals cabable of bashing their own. I don't like to refer to people who are alternative as "weird" or "freaks." I have a distinct belief that people should be able to express themselves in ways they choose, as well as it harms no one. If someone dresses in all black and punches a million holes in their right ear, it may not be eye candy for me, (I'm sure there are a lot worse things to see) but their choice of attire does no physical harm to me.

I personally don't like tattooing or intense piercing, but if someone gets a tattoo or peirces their nose, it's their choice (be it wrong or right at the time) because it is their body. And if someone tattoos their body completely, it will never harm me. Same with piercings.

I don't like it when people make crude comments about Goths and those who choose to dress differently. We all have different ideas about what is cool, and as along as it's acceptable to your lifestyle, it should be acceptable to express yourself in ways that are humane. As long as you dress and don't expose yourself in disrespectful manners, who cares what you wear. The concept of "coolness" changes so rapidly nowadays, I don't think anyone cares anymore. I know I don't.