Cadet Activities


At their squadron headquarters cadets learn about aeroplanes and aviation matters and how to conduct yourself in Royal Air Force uniform. Cadets also learn interesting practical things like how to shoot, to make models, to build canoes or hovercraft and so on.  The list is endless

Annual Camps
As a first class cadet they can go with their squadron for a weeks camp on an RAF station in the UK during Easter or in July and August.

When cadets are enrolled they have the chance to visit Air Cadets Volunteer Gliding School for a passenger flight in a glider.  There are 28 volunteer gliding schools operating at weekends.  Each year up to 1,600 cadets qualify to solo standard.

Powered Flying with the RAF
The Corps fly's Cadets in the 'Tutor' (top right picture on this page) aircraft at 13 Air Experience Flights spread over the whole country ,  each cadet is given the opportunity of about half an hours flying a year with the chance for them to handle the controls.

Cadets take part in Athletics, Football, Rugby, Swimming, Hockey, Netball and many other sports and most Squadrons have their own Sports Officer to oversee the training.

Adventure Training
Micro-lighting, Abseiling, Camping and participation in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme are all on offer in the Air Cadets

How Much Does All This Cost ?

Uniform (except footwear) is provided free, and all a cadet has to pay is the cost of travelling to and from their squadron and about 60p per week towards recreation and welfare.  Training is free.

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