10. Eithne And Fidelma


Many stories are told about the missionary work of Saint Patrick. One of the loveliest of these tells of his meeting with Eithne and Fidelma, the two beautiful daughters of the High King of Ireland.

These two princesses were staying ot the royal palace of Cruachan, which had once been the home of Queen Meabh. They had been sent there by their father to be taught by the two wisest druids in Ireland. Early one summer morning they arose and went to wash at the Well of Clebach. They were surprised to find a group of white-robed strangers and listened ; there was soft sweet singing such as they had never heard before.

There was fear in their eyes as they stared at these strange men, for they thought that they were fairy people. But Patrick came forward and spoke gently to them. They were not fairies, he told them but mesengers of the One True God ; the songs they sang were sacred hymns in His praise.

The Young girls listened in wonder to the words of the white robed stranger. Soon their fear left them and they asked him many questions about this god of whom he spoke.

"Where does He Live? " they asked, "and how is He adored? Is He rich? Would He welcome the poor to His home?

These seem very strange questions, but at the time most of the people of Ireland were pagans. They had never heard of the One True God, but adored the forces of nature around them, Fire, Air, Wind and Light, these were their gods.

Patrick told the princesses to sit down beside him while he answered their questions. The God of whom he spoke, he told them, made heaven and earth and all living things. He had only one Son, who suffered and died upon a cross to save His people.

The king's daughters wept when they heard of the sufferings of Christ. But their sorrow turned to joy when Patrick told them of the wonderful kingdom of heaven. They knelt on the ground, and there, within sight of the palace of Cuachan, they were baptised with the waters of the Well of Clebach.

Eithne and Fidelma remained for a while on their knees, deep in prayer. A rough stone altar was made ready and Patrick prepared to say Mass. Before the Mass began the two girls came forward again.

"We want to see Christ now," they said.

Patrick smiled and gently explained that only after death can we see the face of Christ. Sadly the two girls returned to their places and the Mass was begun.

Soon a little bell was rung and everyone bowed their heads. Patrick turned and raised high the Sacred Host in his mind. He came forward and gave the two girls Holy Communion. Instantly a look of joy spread over their faces, for they saw a vision of God. A glorious light shone in the sky and the singing of angels filled the air. Then, with the Body of Christ in their breasts and the waters of Baptism still shining on their brows, the Lord called the pure souls of Eithne and Fidelma to heaven.


© 1999 All Rights held by Michael G Keohane BA. ACSA.