Hazmat Suits Coverpage
Trelleborg Trellchem Hazmat Suits
Nokia Hazmat Suits
Dräger Hazmat Suits
Other Hazmat Suits
Protective Masks
Hazmat Suits on Work
Historic Hazmat Suits
Mr. Hazards Homepage
Trellchem HPS Suit
Trellchem VPS Suit
Trellchem TS Suit
Trelleborg WEB-Site
Interspiro WEB-Site

Trellchem® Chemical Protections Suits is manufactured
in Sweden by Trelleborg, which also manufactures the
Viking Drysuits. Trellchem® suits are available in both
rubber and 'plastic', only the rubber type suits is describe
on this pages.

Trellchem® offers a wide program of suits, the three shown below is far the most common. On the zipper cover flap is a color-line, each type of suit has it own different color, the color is shown down under each picture.

Yellow line


Green line


Red line

[Trellchem® HPS Suit] [Trellchem® VPS Suit] [Trellchem® TS Suit]

[Hazmat Suits Coverpage] [Nokia Hazmat Suits] [Dräger Hazmat Suits]
[Respirators] [Hazmat Suits on Work] [Historic Hazmat Suits]

[Trelleborg WEB Site] [Interspiro WEB Site]


Updated: 00-11-05