United States of America
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, D.C. 20580

Division of Marketing Practices

October 27, 1997

Mr. Guy Fauconneau
President, North American Operations
Carrier Corporation
P.O. Box 4808
Carrier Parkway
Syracuse, NY 13221

Dear Mr. Fauconneau:

This office recently received the attached letter from Senator John Warner on behalf of his constitutent, [customer's name], of Fairfax, Virginia. In [customer's] correspondence, [customer's name] expresses concern regarding United Technology Carrier / Carrier Corporation's refusal of [customer's] request for a refund for a furnace [customer] claims is defective. [Customer] purchased the furnace in June 1993 and states that it began to fail almost immediately, apparently due to condensation resulting from a buildup of extra silicone present in the secondary heat exchanger cell, which was applied at the factory. [Customer] states that [customer] has contacted Carrier Corporation repeatedly since the winter of 1994, all to no avail. Although it appears that Carrier suggested to [customer's name] that [customer] replace the secondary heat exchanger (at no cost to [customer]), [customer's name] does not believe that this will solve [customer's] continued problems. Specifically, [customer] is concerned that four years' worth of corrosion has now accumulated in [customer's] furnace and that replacing the heat exchanger will not repair that damage.

While the Federal Trade Commission generally does not intervene on behalf of particular consumers, I would appreciate your examining the attached complaint and providing a response, including an explanation of the denial of [customer's name] request for a refund, directly to Senator Warner's office at the following address:

The Honorable John Warner
United States Senate
600 East Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219

In forwarding this matter for your attention and consideration, the Commission has in no way passed upon any questions of law which may be involved. The Commission specifically reserves the right to take any action that it deems apprpriate under the statutes administered by it.

Thank you for your anticipated prompt attention to this matter. Please forward a copy of your response to me at: Federal Trade Commission, Division of Marketing Practices, 6th & Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20580.

Mona Sedky Spivack


cc Senator John Warner
[customer's name]