16 June 1997
Mr. Guy Fauconneau
President, North American Operations (NAO)
Carrier Corporation
P.O. Box 4808
Carrier Parkway
Syracuse, New York 13221
Dear Mr. Fauconneau,
I am writing to request that my faulty Carrier furnace be replaced. The four winters since it
was installed have been a nightmare. The furnace shuts itself off intermittently when the
weather is very cold, wet and windy. When this happens, regardless of whether it’s in the
middle of the night, while I’m at work, or while I’m on travel, about a cup of condensate
must be mopped out of the furnace and it must be manually restarted.
I have tried to work with your regional technical representative and your Customer Relations
department for the past three years, but have been dissatisfied with the results. "Read
your warranty!" is not what you tell a customer when the product they purchased has never
worked properly. Also, replying to a customer’s letter within three days with a letter
that is full of blatant untruths and inaccuracies, claiming you have "researched" the situation,
is something that a company of Carrier’s reputation simply does not do.
I have enclosed copies of my receipt, the cover of my owners’ manual, and a history of my
to get the furnace repaired. I have also enclosed copies of my letters to your Customer
Relations department and their responses. I suspect you will be surprised to learn how some
parts of your organization treat your customers.
I hope we can resolve this matter promptly. I have always thought highly of Carrier, and hope
that you can restore that high regard. Please contact me by July 11, 1997.
[Customer's name]