
Wildfilly's Web Watch


The internet is a wonderful place. Full of more information than one could ever hope to amass in a lifetime. Full of a lot of other things, unfortunately, as well.

While freedom of speech, religion, etc. are all fine and good things.........SOME people try to take those freedoms way too far.

Just as there are courtesies, customs, and laws in day to day life, those same rules exist on this internet. And while not following the courtesies and customs may not be a crime, breaking laws on this internet IS a crime, fully punishible to the full extent of the law........IF you can catch those committing the crime.

I do not propose to be a "one hoss posse" here....but I do intend to exercise MY freedom of speech by speaking out against, and naming names (or nics, as they are called on the net) and offending e-mail addresses or ICQ ID's, where applicable, of the lawbreakers. I will NOT post links to illegal sites some have sent me, as I don't want this site to be a place sickos go to find out where the bad sites are, nor will I post ICQ numbers for promoters of porn.....but I WILL post e-mail addresses of spammers, ICQ numbers of spammers, abusers, and compulsive forwarders. (Hoping not TOO many people would voluntarily risk getting MORE junk mail !)

I plan to use a rating system here, it is explained above each of the lists of spammers, abusers and violators of internet etiquette.

FOUR stars should be our goal here.......let's get the trash off this internet, and keep it a safe, clean, healthy environment for all, especially our children.

(DISCLAIMER:....if you find typos on any of these pages,
it is probably because of all the cat hair in the keyboard.
Please drop a line to the webmaster, and I'll get it fixed.)


spam banner/link


(In Progress)

stopping porn banner/link


(In Progress)

icq abuse / link


(In Progress)

Is it really free?


(In Progress)

flame banner/link


If you would like to join in this fight against spam and abuse, feel free to foward to me any spam mails you have received, with the "headers" INTACT. After I have verified them, the addresses of the spammers AND the responses of their hosts will be posted here.

Also, please feel free to save this banner to your hard drive and link it back here, to help spread the word about our fight.


You may use this address to link back to these pages:

<a href=""> </a>
being sure to add the "img src=" tag between the <a> and the </A> tags



sign guestbook GUESTBOOK view guestbook

Use the nav bar to get around........

OH, COOL !!!

people made it this far.....REALLY bored, eh?


graphics by Cottonwood Design


CAUCE member

SafeSurf Rated All Ages Rated with:


Think before you link

Anti-spam banner


Find a broken link? Have comments or suggestions?
Feel free to e-mail the webmaster .
© 1999

best viewed with ANY browser