Kommunistiska Förbundet Marxist-Leninisterna/Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti/Solidaritetspartiet
(Communist League Marxists-Leninists/Communist Party of Sweden/Solidarity Party, 1967-?)

Ideological orientation: Maoists, later ex-maoists
Address: Solidaritetspartiet, c/o Jan-Olof Norell, Norrgården 21, S-186 00 Vallentuna
Founded: 1967
Publicaciones: Gnistan (Spark, 1967-186), Marxistiskt Forum (1965-1985)
Representation in parliament: No
Election results: KFML/SKP ran in elections to the national parliament (1970-1979) and some municipal councils. At national level they got about 20 000 votes as it's most in 1970. They got representation in some municipal councils such as Gällivare and Mariestad in the end of the 70's. Solildaritetspartiet ran in the municipal elections in Vallentuna until 1994(6%, 3 seats).
International relations: Close relations to the Communist Party of China

History: KFML was formed at the 1967 party congress of VPK, when a pro-Chinese, maoist, group left the party. KFML was clearly orientated toward China and Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-Tung Thought. KFML was the first of the many "new left"-groups that surged in Sweden during the 60's and 70's. KFML had a vey important and leading roll in the mass solidarity work with the vietnamese people.

In 1970 a stalinist fraction based in Göteborg, broke away and formed KFML(r). In 1973 KFML took the name SKP, the old party name of VPK. 1980 SKP suffered another split, when a group of critics were expelled on the issue of China. The expelled formed a new party, SKP(m-l). The 80's meant crisis for SKP. They were divided on the issue of the new leadership in China. Vietnam, which had meant so much in the solidarity work of KFML/SKP, and Cambodia, "their" ally, had started war at each other. And SKP who had succeded in getting famous in Swedish politics, hadn't been able to expand and get more than fractions of a percent in votes. From 1982 and on, they supported the social democrats in the national elections. Many members, both leaders and base militants left the movement. The party became seriously ideologically disorientated. In 1987 SKP changed it's name to Solidaritetspartiet (The Solidarity Party). The party finally left maoism and gradually started concentrating on what was left, the local orgainzation in Vallentuna, a Stockholm suburb. In 1990 it stopped being a nationwide party. The party became transformed into entirely municipal party in that particular municipality. Solidaritetspartiet ran in the municipal elections in Vallentuna until 1994, when they got 6% and 3 seats. They did not run in the 1998 elections. It's unclear wheter the party still exists, but it's at least registered at Swedish authorities.

Röd Ungdom (Red youth)
RU was the youth league of SKP. It published a magazine called Rödluvan (Little Red Ridinghood).

Other related sites (not party or youth league sites):
Det drar ihop sig... (Äcklet 3-97)
Maoisterna (Nya AT 3-97)

This not an official party homepage