Got your own suggestions? Email me at
See also my new World Today page for links to pages related to today's news stories or the Read All About It page for links to Left-Wing texts.
Newspapers and other news providers
The BBC provides probably the best UK news and current affairs coverage on the Internet, including live Commons coverage.
One of Britain's most leftwing papers, the Guardian (with Sunday sibling The Observer) have an excellent and sometimes humourous website.
The Citizen is an excellent on-line magazine from a Socialist group within the Labour Party. Loads of useful resources too.
The long standing Marxist Morning Star newspaper has launched an excellent and opinionated web-site.
The on-line edition of the seriously 'off-message' Socialist Worker newspaper.
Britain's oldest but unfortunatly anti-Europe and conservative paper, The Times maintains a high quality web prescence.
The Yorkshire Evening Post provides good local coverage.
As does it's morning sibling, The Yorkshire Post
The Independent provides a, supposedly, independent but in fact rather liberal news round-up.
PURELY FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES! The Daily Star claims to be a newspaper, but finding any news on it's website is pretty hard work!
The Daily Mirror's online prescence.
Private Eye provides a wonderfully satirical look back at last week's news. Don't forget to check out the bittingly anti-Blairite St.Albion's Parish News.
Political parties and organisations
The excellent New Communist Party website is packed with frank information and views for those on the Left.
You want rhetoric? You've got it. The highlight of the Labour Party site is the photo which makes Tony look like a miner.
The official website of the English & Welsh Green Party.
Alright,William, it's a lovely website, and I'm sure Ffyon likes that picture of you, but you [the Conservative Party] lost the election.
The official site of the Liberal Democrats, probably Britain's most wired (or weird) party.
Evidence of a concrete fight against New Labour can be found on Ken Cote's and Hugh Kerr's Independent Labour Network site.
Almost enough to make you wish you lived in Scotland...The Scottish Socialist Party seem to be on an upward turn in their fight against Blairism.
Government sites
Keep tracks on what the Blairites in power are playing at on the Number 10 site.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the European Parliament, in every official EU language.
Full, searchable archive of House of Commons (& Lords) proceedings, updated daily.
The Central Office of Information links to every single government organisation and quango you've ever heard of (and a lot you haven't).
The unofficial voice of the Labour left is on the Labour Left Briefing Page.
The Left Forum site contains some excellent articles and useful resources.
The world is a little short on Communist nations nowadays, but Cuba always remains. The government has a pretty snazzy, but slow loading, website
Alright, so it's not very exciting, but Timothy Kirkhope's (former Tory MP for Leeds NE) webpage doesn't seem to have been updated since late April 1997...The picture's pretty gory too.
Ken Livingstone's web-page gives every bit of information you could want about the man, the beliefs and the fight to be Mayor of London. Bit lacking on newts, however.
The World Socialism site is, as you'd expect, about World Socialism. Yup, that's real Socialism, not the 'third way'.
The European Movement's website is full of pro-European and pro-EMU information.
The Lamb & Flag is not a pub, but an interesting website dedicated to the European arguament.
NOT the Chapel Allerton Labour Newsletter; the Chapel Allerton Labour Party is still suspended for anti-Blairite tendencies. Their on-line newsletter has information, opinions and news.
The Fourth International (the other three have fallen by the wayside) moves for world revolution...nice to know that someone still believes in it!
A similar venture to this one has been launched on the ~Newark_Left page.