View the weather in New York City.
Here's two weather sites for Albuquerque: WeatherLabs and
Want to check out the weather somewhere else?

Need some laughter in your life? Go to this humor link.

Check out what's going on in the world of sports on ESPN's SportsZone.
Like the NFL? I do. Check out the standings.

Ever wondered what word(s) rhyme with orange? Check the rhyming dictionary to find out.

Looking for someone's email address?

Want to take a personality test? Try the Jungian Personality Test.
Interested in other Psychology Tests?

Want information on HTML? Also check out the HTML Primer, which has plenty of helpful info.
If you have a page, do you want a better background for your webpage?
Here's a damn good site with all sorts of helpful links to start you on your way to building a better website.
Here's a site that you can use to make your own banner's.
Here's a great site full of midi files you can use to add music to you page.

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