Grimace wasn't always the kind and gentle creature that he is today. Originally a six-armed creature known as "The Evil Grimace", today's friendly purple fellow would run around stealing children's shakes. To my knowledge there was never even a "transition" episode where he lost those extra four arms, so it looks like McDonald's is trying to pull a fast one on us. |
Grimace's weight problem was a little cute for the first couple of months, but after over 25 years, this has gotten just a little disturbing. Spending his days indulging in Bigmacs, Grimace has gained a ton of weight and can barely walk now. Is this the kind of health message that McDonald's would like to send to their customers? Eat our food and become a big fat ass like Grimace?? The poor thing has no neck, has lost all of his hair from stress, and on top of that, is purple.
The aging Grimace is just a walking heartattack waiting to happen now. Somebody better get Richard Simmons on the phone before it's too late.