The Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club will host all of its monthly club meeting on the third Tuesday of each month in the "W4WZH, HAROLD "DOC" CADY MEMORIAL RADIO CLUB ROOM" at 7:00pm cst in the basement of City Hall on the public square in Glasgow, Ky. You are also invited to join our nightly net at 0100z or 8:00 cst on 146.34/94. The officers for 2005 are:
President, Larry Brumett KN4IV
Vice President, Dennis Parker KC4OHX
Sec/Tres, Chappy Rice KD4SS.
The officers of MCARC invite all members, family and friends to attend all club meetings and functions.
Links to other sites on the Web
The Hamband (Video)
Cave City Hamfest
Alabama Radio
The Ham Station
Amateur Electronic Supply (AES)
Radio City
Ham Radio Outlet (HRO)
R & L Electronics
Texas Towers
DX Cluster
Burghardt Amateur Center
Universal Radio
The Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club
Monroe County Amateur Radio Club
Kentucky Colonels Amateur Radio Club
The American Radio Relay League
N4MRM Homepage
Kentucky ARES Homepage
2004-2005 Hamfest Calander
Designed By: Larry Brumett, KN4IV