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Religious Freedom Restoration Act Struck Down

On June 25, 1997, the Supreme Court decided, 6-3, that Congress
overstepped its authority in enacting the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Therefore, the Act is unconstitutional.

City of Boerne v. Flores, No. 95-2074
Argued February 19,1997
Decided June 25, 1997

Brief Summary of the Decision

Supreme Court Decision in its Entirety

This case is at least thirty pages long and 128K or more

USA Flag Flying Upside Down Public Law 829 (77th Congress) Sec. 4(a) :
"The flag should never be displayed with the union down

USA Flag Flying Upside Down

It is the law, that the U.S. Flag may only be flown upside down as a signal of "dire distress." My flying the flag upside down here symbolizes my own personal belief that our Nation is, indeed, in absolute "dire distress." The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to hold RFRA unconstitutional puts all religions and all faiths in serious danger - not just Native American Spirituality. The Freedom of Religion guarantees by the Constitution are being whittled away by the current members of the Supreme Court, the so-called "Law of the Land." If you don't like how I've gone about making my point here, well luckily for me, the Supreme Court hasn't completely done away with the Freedom of Speech.

"This Country IS In Crisis"
This flag shall remain tattered and upside down
as a sign of Constitutional distress!

Native Americans Unite!!

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