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38th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry
Company F
"Davis Rifle Guards"

3rd National Flag

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Sojier Talk, Quiz #2

Last Updated: 06/24/97

Soldiers during the War Between the States, developed many slang terms and phrases which probably saw little use in civilian life and speech. Most of the terms used described items associated with the war or Army life. These slang terms disappeared from the soldiers vocabularies once their usefulness had ended but a few persist to this day. So, get a cup of "Java" and some "Slap-Jacks" and try our quiz. Quiz two is a little harder than Quiz one.

Select from the possible answers under "Modern Equivalent", use each answer only once. When you are done, check your answers under the "Answers" column.


Soldier Slang Modern Equivalent Answers
1. Blue Pill

2. Wag

3. Stewed

4. A Shake of the Lips

5. Hunky

6. Dingbat

7. Galoot

8. Yahoo

9. Toad Sticker

10. Poppycock

11. Bug Juice

12. Solid Dove

13. Rum Sucker

14. Draughts

15. Bailed Hay


14 - 15 - Bully Boy
12 - 13 - Comrade
11 - 10 - Fresh Fish
Less than 10 - One too many drinks of Pop Skull

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© 1997, 38th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry Email 38th WebMaster Last Edited: 06/12/97 10:47:52 PM