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Welcome to the new home of
"Spain the Forgotten War Remembered"
Which was originally located at CapitolHill/5202.
The Spanish Revolution was the most important social revolution of the 20th Century.
Even Leon Trotsky noted that it surpassed the Russian Revolution as a truly "proletarian
Today unfortunately it is seen as a historical blip, if it is even considered at all, coming prior to WWII. To some who would down play the social revolution, it was simply a percursor to World War II and an idealistic anti-fascist struggle.
But to those on the Left it is an important social revolution that saw workers organize self managed factories, and indeed whole cities, and pesants mobilize the 'voluntary' collectivization of villages and farms.
This site is dedicated to the thousands of workers who made the Revolution and the thousands of workers world wide who came to the aid of the Spanish Revolution.
Their struggles were not in vain.
Lotta Continua!
Eugene W. Plawiuk
This site, created by Eugene W. Plawiuk, contains both original articles and one of the
most extensive set of hyperlinks to information on the Spanish Civil War available on
the Web. Check back regularly, as it is continuously updated.
Jack Corse, Liaison Librarian, Simon Fraser University.
This Page is now Mirrored at theMarxist Internet Archive
Land & Freedom
Other Films and Videos
The Anarchist Origins
Background on the Spanish Civil War
The Catholic Church
Doctors, Nurses and Medicine in the Civil War
The Falange and the Right Wing
Flags of the Republic and the Civil War
Jose Ortega y Gasset,
The Literary Spanish Civil War
Frederico Garcia Lorca
Map of Spain 1937
Map of Europe 1930-1939
Resistance to Franco
Trotsky & Trotskyists on Spain
Women in the Spanish Civil War
Real Audio
The Forgotten War Remembered.
Original article written by Eugene W. Plawiuk, for the 60th Anniversery of the Spanish Civil War. With emphasis on the Canadian participation in the war.
My original promo & review article of Ken Loach's 1995 film on the Spanish Civil War.
The Edmonton May Day committee sponsored the public showing of this great movie.
Links to other sites about Land and Freedom, including reviews, movie clips and stills.
on the Spanish Civil War
of the Spanish Revolution
in the Spanish Civil War
Including links to sites about
Dr. Norman Betune
in the Civil War
Philosopher of Revolution
International Writers and Journalists in the Spanish Civil War
Martyr of the Spanish Civil War
One year into the revolution/civil war
(Large JPG file 178K)
(Large GIF file 119K)
Continues after the War
Spanish Civil War discussion on National Public Radio, August 1,1996.
Click here to listen while you surf these pages.
We are now an Associate.
Many of the books and videos linked here are available for purchase on line from
We will be adding a directory of these soon.
Many SCW vets went on to fight in WWII and earn veterans pensions. However they are still not recognized as veterans in their own right. Another group who have not been recognized are the Merchant Marine, who were civilian working class volunteers who provided much need supplies during the darkest days of WWII. These veterans as well deserve our support. Currently several Canadian Merchant Marines have been holding hunger strikes to get official veterans status as well as back pay they have been denied. In Canada theNew Democratic Party has been fighting for veterans pensions for both Merchant Marine and Spanish Civl War Veterans.
Arise ye pris'ners of starvation
Arise ye wretched of the earth
For justice thunders condemnation
A better world's in birth!
No more tradition's chains shall bind us
Arise, ye slaves, no more in thrall;
The earth shall rise on new foundations
We have been naught we shall be all.
'Tis the final conflict
Let each stand in his place
The International Union
shall be the human race.
'Tis the final conflict
Let each stand in his place
The International Union
shall be the human race.
We want no condescending saviors
to rule us from their judgement hall
We workers ask not for their favors
Let us consult for all.
To make the theif disgorge his booty
To free the spirit from its cell
We must ourselves decide our duty
We must decide and do it well.
The law oppresses us and tricks us,
the wage slave system drains our blood;
The rich are free from obligation,
The laws the poor delude.
Too long we've languished in subjection,
Equality has other laws;
"No rights," says she "without their duties,
No claims on equals without cause."
Behold them seated in their glory
The kings of mine and rail and soil!
What have you read in all their story,
But how they plundered toil?
Fruits of the workers' toil are buried
In strongholds of the idle few
In working for their restitution
the men will only claim their due.
We toilers from all fields united
Join hand in hand with all who work;
The earth belongs to us, the workers,
No room here for the shirk.
How many on our flesh have fattened!
But if the norsome birds of prey
Shall vanish from the sky some morning
The blessed sunlight then will stay.
La Internacional
Arriba parias de la tierra,
en pie famélica legión,
atruena la razón en marcha,
es el fin de la opresión.
Del pasado hay que hacer añicos,
legión esclava, en pie, a vencer,
el mundo va a cambiar de base,
los nada de hoy todo han de ser.
Agrupémonos todos
en la lucha final,
el género humano
es la Internacional
La ley nos juzga y el patrono
oprime y sangra al productor,
nos dan derechos irrisorios,
no hay deberes del señor.
Basta ya de tutela odiosa
que la igualdad ley ha de ser.
No más deberes sin derechos,
ningún derecho sin deber.
Agrupémonos todos
en la lucha final
el género humano es la Internacional
Ni en dioses, reyes ni en tribunos
está el saupremo salvador.
Nosotros mismos realicemos
el esfuerzo redentor.
Agrupémonos todos
en la lucha final
el género humano es la Internacional
Of course, this is not the only
translation of the song.
Spanish Civil War posters used in these pages from BURN!
Original page design copyright © 1997 Eugene W. Plawiuk
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