Year 2000

We are not trying to feed you with our opinions about how y2k will or will not affect your life and environment. Nor are we trying to create another huge information site about the subject. There are many excellent sites which adequately present the issues relating to y2k.

We are very concerned however, at the lack of general public awareness of y2k, and we are appalled at the slowness of our government in taking steps to inform the broad public about the seriousness of the situation we face. The heads of our government are very aware of the situation; this fact is well documented in government sites which you can and should browse.

Our purpose is to help spread the word now, while there is still time for preparations to be made.

Do not wait for public announcements about y2k. Those announcements may or may not come. The information IS available, on the net. Do your homework. Please.

What happens on January 1, 2000 is really already largely determined, by problems our government, our banks and many public and private institutions already know about.

You may have the idea that someone will come up with a solution for the y2k problem before the 2000 deadline. This is not an uncommon assumption. But it is a false and dangerous assumption, especially since our government officials are quietly admitting that there is many aspects of y2k that will NOT be able to be handled in time.

The effects of y2k problems can be minimized by calmly getting prepared now. Panic does not lend itself to sane solutions. Do not get caught in the crowd.

What IS needed is for us to really understand how y2k will affect our lives and environment. And then to DO something about it.

This small site is designed to help you become better informed about what you can do, right now, to prepare yourself and your environment for y2k.

Those who are not prepared will have the worst difficulties. There is no question in our minds that there will be significant impact upon our day to day life, and January 1, 2000 will be far too late to start thinking about it.

Our purpose of inviting you here is to ask that you find out for yourselves--we feel that you owe it to yourself and to your friends and family to come to the best understanding you can of y2k, and once understood, to prepare.

On the next page you will find a form designed to help you become more familiar the products and services available for your own y2k preparedness plans.


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