The Voice of Freedom

Journal of the NCTC Republicans
Volume III Issue 9
October/November 1998

Headline: "The Commies Are Coming, The Commies Are Coming"
(*That's Right! NCTCR's Back and Kickin' Butt!*)


I.) "The China Connection", Headline story. A forced connection between Clinton/Democrat ties to communist China and Disney's Mulan.

II.) Word from the Editor

III.) "Hate Crimes?", an expose by Andrew Hogue, NCTCR Founder.

IV.) "What Closet", a testimonial of a man's struggle to resist homosexual peer pressure.

V.) "In the Name of Profit", an essay by Greg Russell

VI.) "You Can Represent a Thousand People", by Andrew Hogue


A mutual friend of ours brought up the topic of the Disney Boycott over lunch last summer. He apparently did not agree with the Boycott, and asked us to tell him what was so bad about Disney, that mainstream churches such as Southern Baptists would reccomend banning them. After reminding him about the lies in Pocahontas, the new age/hippie influence in The Lion King, and the constant funds Disney kicks in for gay-rights campaigns, he began to understand that Disney was indeed leaning to the liberal side.

As this conversation was taking place, there was a thorough investigation going on over Chinese ties to Clinton’s campaign funds. We jokingly commented that if Disney keeps up with its politically liberal ‘agenda’, then the next Disney feature flick would be either have a feminist moral to it, have a cross- dresser as the main character, or be fiercely pro-China.

And what did we get? Mulan! A movie about a Chinese patriot transvestite defying gender roles!

Coincidence? We think not. Not to say that the movie wasn’t cute and genuinely entertaining, like Pocahontas or Lion King, but it does seem strage that Communist China, our worst foe at that point in time, would be portrayed in an heroic light. Note that Communist China was responsible for the take over of capitalist Hong Kong and resulted in a subsequent stock-market plunge here, and a catastophe in Asian markets.

Also, China is the last major bastion of hard-line communism. Why wouldn’t they contribute to Clinton’s campaign? Note that the Clintons were responsible for the Socialist health Care plans, a proposed ‘world tax’, and most recently, a missile attack on Afghanistan, China’s most antagonistic neighbor. Makes one wonder why Clinton-loving Hollywood types would want to hop on the pro-China bandwagon.

And you may ask, “What Chinese wagon?” Well, Clinton preserved China’s place as a Most Favored Nation. China is slowly opening its doors to the West for trade and the investements from American and European comapnies. And in return these companies produce products, most notably by Chinese slave labor. The companies that make these products are also Hollywood sponsors. Hence, the connection between China and Hollywood. If Hollywood doesn’t portray China in a positive light, then those companies that deal specifically in China will pull their support and those people who work at various film companies, would loose.

And now you may ask, "What’s wrong with China?" One of the most important items to consider is, as stated above, it’s the last bastion of communism left on the planet that is a threat to our national security. It has the capability of striking our bases in the Western Pacific, such as Japan and the Phillippines, and even places like Hawaii and now it can reach mainland America. That is a threat to everyone! Second, does anyone remember a place called Tiananmen Square?

Third, let’s not forget the many human rights violations that China has committed. One must consider that Hillary Clinton was an active voice in the attempt to make China fess up to those violations, but somehow her involvement disappeared. China, being communist, is a very pro-atheist country and has recently allowed the practice of a state supported religion. All other faiths are considered a threat to the state and are therefore banned. Any such practice of these religions can result in imprisonment, slave labor, or in most cases-- Death. Those who campaign for a republican form of government for greater personal freedom are considered ‘risks’ as well. Any of us could be considered a threat by communist China!

China commits all these violations yet we turn a blind eye because certain members of our government are more concerned with profit. Not all our government, just those who gain a pretty penny from those Chinese companies who support them. That money from Communist China, directed through front companies and discreet channels, has made it into the pockets of Clinton. Communist China has been proven to give large sums of money to Democratic Party and specifically Clinton. Why? Because China wants the foreign investment. They don’t care about their people, just making money. What the world sees is them showing off their armorments, while at the same time intimidating their citizens to the point of absolute terror. They threaten the world, yet they love and adore (in some cases worship) a man named Colonel Sanders!

There is a provable Chinese connection to America, but they hide it well, just like their numerous atrocities.

Word from the Editor :

Hello to all you readers out there. As you can see this is the ninth issue of the Voice Of Freedom, brought to you by the North Central Texas College Republicans. Let me take a moment to introduce myself. I am Randy Jackson, this semester’s VoF editor and NCTCR Interim President. I would like to invite you to read these articles and, if you like, respond to us with your comments. An address will be provided at the end of the newsletter. So read on. . .

"HATE CRIMES?" By Andrew Hogue; NCTCR Founder and Charter President

This summer, flipping through one of those gloss USA Weekend inserts in the Sunday paper, I found an interesting little article on the increase of 'Hate Crimes'. I wasted a good 15 minutes of my life reading it. Apparently, this article was a typical knee-jerk reaction to the isolated and racially-motivated Jasper incident, where an Afro- American man was tied to a pickup and dragged to death by two undisciplined hate mongers-- You've no doubt heard of the horrific account many times over the summer. I was then led to a side-box titled 'Update on Hate Crimes'. It suggested a website by the Southern Poverty Law Center ( as a summarization of Hate Crimes in America, and the sponsors of a potential solution to hate crimes, 'Teaching Tolerance': a project aimed at school children.

Sounded good to me, although I'm leery of the term 'tolerance', as it tends to suggest 'tolerating' sin rather than loving the person as a fellow human being.

Two of the site's main attractions were their 'Klanwatch' section and the 'Teaching Tolerance' project, mentioned above. The Teaching Tolerance project encourages the viewer to order 8 posters with the theme 'One World' to be given to your local public school's classrooms, as if a one world organization (such as the U.N.) would do a better job of ending racism than we can as Americans. 'Klanwatch' not only chronicled the actions of various Ku Klux Klan organizations around the U.S., but also cataloged a list of 'Patriot Groups', which they feel are disrespectful to the government, intolerant to other races and cultures, and support gun ownership. Listed were groups such as The Republic of Texas separatist movement, Common Law Court, The Texas Constitutional Militia, and even United Truckers Defending the Constitution. I thought that they might be scraping the bottom of the barrel by listing that Trucker organization. I was wrong. They did not list MEChA.

"What in the world is MEChA?", you might ask. And you would be justified in asking. It's a small, college-based Chicano group-- Thousands more members than Truckers Defending the Constitution, but small nevertheless. In a paranoid manner, they are attempting to overthrow an 'Anglo conspiracy' (The United States government) and restore a mythical legend of a nation called Aztlan, home country of the Aztecs, encompassing most of the Southwestern U.S. and Mexico. A quote from their manifesto: "...we can only conclude that social, economic, cultural, and political independence is the only road to total liberation from oppression, exploitation, and racism. Our struggle then must be for the control of our barrios, campos, pueblos, lands, our economy, our culture, and our political life..." They also propose starting 'revolutionary actions', by taking Mexican-American gangs, and turning their gang violence into organized attacks against government authority.

And the Southern Poverty Law Center is not listing them? Maybe they are not aware of this uprising. Or maybe it is because MEChA is led by a racial minority, and not by whites. Some claim that MEChA is merely trying to reclaim what was rightfully originally theirs. But so is the Republic of Texas, and they have a lot more legal ground and evidence than MEChA. A case can be made for the secession of Texas from the Union, but a clear case cannot be made for the mythical state of 'Aztlan'. So why are they picking on predominately white Republic of Texas, and not MEChA, or Farrakhan's Nation of Islam, or the New Black Panthers? All are disrespectful to the U.S., and the latter 3 are racist. But only one is mostly white. So of course, that is one they pick on.

It is now safe to assume that the Southern Poverty Law Center is promoting racism against Whites. They are saying patriots are evil (just like all those guys who died at the Alamo, right?). That 'Hate Crime' only applies to Whites attacking Blacks, and not the other way around, as in some gang situations. It is undermining the independence and sovereignty of these United States and suggesting a pathetic 'One World' idea to impressionable young children.

And USA Weekend bought their lies. Do not trust them!

Perhaps we should start an 'Anti-Patriot Group' listing on the NCTC Republicans' site, and start the list off with 'USA Weekend' and the 'Southern Poverty Law Center'.

What Closet? by: Anonymous

I decided, after some deep thoughts and prayers, to write an article about an issue that had peaked my curiosity lately. It stems from a special ad was placed in the New York Times and the Washington Post a couple of weeks ago by the organization called Project Exodus, an organization dedicating itself to evangelizing the Gospel of Christ to homosexuals. I am writing this article to express my opinions about this subject and I am thankful that the Editor of the VoF would let me do so.

First, let me discuss one side of the issue and that is the basis for the whole argument and that being homosexuality. Some believe it is natural, while some believe it is a choice. My opinion is that it is a choice, but that choice is dependent on many factors. One factor is of course, the family environment. I know some families who seem perfectly normal but there is a dark thread woven inside them. A lot of families are broken or dysfunctional because of some form of abuse between the parents and the kids. I know because I am a product of a broken home. My father and mother divorced when I was two and my father rarely entered my life. I was raised by a single mother and because of that she had to play both mommy and daddy, which caused me to "adapt" myself to her and in that I mean her attitudes and personality became a part of my own. When all you’ve got to live with is a woman and all you’re around is women then you kinda pick up on the way they act.

Homosexuality, to me, is a very environment-caused event. Most homosexuals I know have told me about some sort of abuse, whether physical, emotional, or mental at some point in their childhood. If the victim is a male and the offender is a male then it drives them to accept femininity and vice versa with females. I’m speaking from experience, because I am a victim of abuse. Now that I am 20 years old do I have a friendly relationship with the offender.

But in my case the most definite moments in my life which made me "doubt" myself came in junior high and high school. On three separate occasions I was sexually assaulted by three different men. These incidents were not related to the one I’ve already mentioned. Some would say it was rape, some would say harassed. I call it assault. The third, the one that is the most damaging, came in my sophomore year of high school. One of the linebackers from the football team where I went to school assaulted me outside of a classroom. I immediately told my principal, who did put a stop to it, but that stopped only him. It didn’t stop his friends from taking up the cause. For the next two years I had to live with the insults, the prank calls in the middle of the night, the death threats, and the many, many betrayals. By April of my Senior year I began to wonder if I was truly gay. All the evidence seemed to point me to that conclusion. My heart said no, the world said yes. It was a difficult battle until I met Jesus for the second time in September of 1996 and then I made a definite decision. I was not going to be gay, no matter how many people told me I was, I knew that I wasn’t. So I know what it’s like to struggle with the doubt and be pushed to the point of suicide because of it. I made the choice NOT to be gay, and it was the right choice.

Editor’s Note :

I want to close this article by saying that I know this person very well. I’ve known him for about 20 years. I ought to know, because I am that person.

"In The Name Of Profit" by: Greg Russell, NCTCR Member

You don’t have to sleep in trash to know what it smells like. But that’s not altogether fair to compare corporate America to garbage, is it?

I don’t know. That’s the most fitting answer to that question. It suits it. No one that I know has anything against business as an entity. It’s what gets the old ball rolling. Entrepreneurship is one of the boldest endeavors ever initiated. I could hardly imagine a nation where you couldn’t wake up and decide to make money at something you usually know you can do. And be your own boss.

But I think that there’s not such a fine line between Average Joe’s Meat Shack and what most corporations are turning into. For every halfway decent guy who works 14 hours of his day to keep his cubby hole healthy, there are about a half-dozen of these sterile, pristine schmoes going out for power lunches. What the hell is a power lunch? These are guys who teach business classes and teach that there's no difference between earning ten grand or a million bucks from buying out a thriving business and relocating it, putting thousands out of work. "Profit, you see, is absolute."

I don’t think we’re dealing with people you can easily persuade. Indeed, how much delusion can you avoid when you’re able to pay for all the college tuition Greg Russell will ever need with one paycheck? But, these morons have to stop hiding up in the upper floors of all these buildings we drive past and get over themselves.

If the silent image alone is irritating, with the chattering cell phones and identical suits and Ivy League butt/lip rubs, the corporate jargon is even more distressing, since you can quit working for Pepsi and work for Nabisco and use the same damn sentences, more or less.

The most relevant movie of this decade, I still think, is 1997’s "In The Company Of Men". The film, shot on a shoestring, tells the story of two mid-level male executives who think they have been upstaged once too often by women both in and out of work. So, they decide to find a socially awkward young woman and have the both of them court her at the same time. When their job in the (anonymous) city is over, they will both dump her, so that she will "know" what it is like to be them.

The movie goes so far as to imply that what they are doing is not because of their sour experiences in personal life, but because of the cutthroat attitude the corporate life has forced them into. This movie, for all its brilliance, has to be the most anti-corporate scribe ever produced, and it goes about the attack like a well-oiled machine.

We need more movies like that one. It was made inexpensively, even though the production values are usually as strong as a movie made for much more money. It is every bit as good as "Titanic", and that movie cost approximately eight thousand times more to make. Was it fair to discuss that movie? I’m supposing so. It is a cinematic reminder of a satirical motto I once heard: "People....selling people."

Don’t look for subtlety now, but that’s us they were talking about. And we come cheap. Even the ones in the suits.

"You Can Represent a Thousand People" by: Andrew Hogue

"Why should I be involved in politics?", you may ask yourself. In government class, we're taught that a very small percentage (fewer than 45% in a presidential election and as few as 20% or lower in smaller elections) of the American people actually vote. If that is true, and given that there are over 200 million American citizens, you cast the vote of up to thousands of Americans! Why would you turn down that kind of power?

"But I don't know a thing about politics"-- NCTCR can teach you! We can show you easy ways that you can help elect fair and honest leaders, and provide you opportunities to make NCTC more politically involved. It doesn't take a Law School Degree to be involved. Just be yourself! Don't be another faceless dot in the masses of Generation-X. Your individual talents, personality, and opinions make up the social fabric of this great nation. Don't settle for just 'racial diversity', fight for uniqueness! As united individuals, we stand strong!

Our founding fathers invested a great deal of trust in you. Did you know that the constitution not only allows you the right to freedom of speech, religion, and free press, but also the right to own weaponry? See the 2nd Amendment, you also have the right to keep and bear arms and to even take part in a well-regulated militia-- and do your part in protecting your family and community. Not to say that the paramilitary right-wing extremists of today are 100% right, but if our own Constitution allows you to have such power, even to the point of taking up guns and defending against invaders, think of how much trust is invested in you in other avenues of public life.

Yet there are forces that are working to remove you from power. They're coming from all directions: T.V., newspaper, magazines, Democrat congressmen, and even some college instructors. They will suggest that you have no right to own a gun. They claim that we are a 'collective' and not a nation of free independents. They're out to take your hard-earned money and give it to the lazy. They will let you be an individual if you intend on having pre-marital sex and doing drugs, but when it comes to expressing your beliefs on the Constitution, they'll tell you that you're 'intolerant' for believing in the rights of the individual. And if you want to share your beliefs in God? They'll tell you that there is a separation of church and people, and that you cannot share your religion anywhere in publicly owned property.

Protect your power while you still have it.

Join NCTC Republicans today!

End of Issue 9.

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