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End the occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine

Say "NO" to militarism, aggression and empire!

A year after the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq, no weapons of mass destruction have been found. The foreign policy of the U.S. government stands revealed as one of naked aggression in pursuit of corporate profits and imperial power.

Around the world, people will rally on March 20 to demand an end to this war and occupation. Come lift your hands and voices against the "new imperialism" and the two parties of war.

California demonstrations


Noon rally at Federal Bldg., "O" and Mariposa Sts.

March to 1 p.m. rally at Courthouse Park, Tulare and Van Ness.

Los Angeles

March & rally gathering at 12 noon at Hollywood & Vine

For info on P&F contingent, call: (323) 759-9737

San Diego

Several spirited marches through the city of San Diego will converge on Balboa Park (Park Avenue and Presidents Way near Interstate 5) for a 2 pm rally.

Assembly Points are: City Heights Community Park at 11 am; North Park Community Park, 12 pm; Federal Building, 12 pm; City College, 1 pm; 6th and Laurel, 1 pm; War Memorial Bldg, 1 pm.

For info on P&F contingent, call: (619) 443-7093

San Francisco

Gather at 11 am at Dolores Park (18th St. & Dolores St.).

March to Civic Center, Larkin and McAllister.

For info on P&F contingent, call: (510) 465-9414

San Jose

12:30 p.m. rally

Roosevelt Park, E. Santa Clara St. & N. 19th St.

March to Mexican Heritage Plaza, return to Roosevelt Park for rally.

Santa Maria

11 a.m. rally

Perlman Park, Broadway and Main

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