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Bumper sticker available for $1 from Peace & Freedom Party, P.O. Box 741270, Los Angeles, CA 90004

A graphic of the bumper sticker appears here, with the slogan, "Another Worker for Peace and Freedom", the Peace and Freedom Party logo (a dove and broken chain around the party name), and our Aptos, Oakland, and Los Angeles addresses.

Register Peace & Freedom Party!

You can register to vote if you are a U.S. citizen, live in California, will be 18 years old by the next election, and are not in prison or on parole for a felony. Registration forms are available at firehouses, libraries, DMV offices and registrars of voters.

You can go to to obtain a form you can download and mail in. If you are given an old form which doesn't have the Peace and Freedom Party on it, why not check "Other" and write in "Peace & Freedom"?

Be a Peace & Freedom PARTISAN

Becoming a Peace and Freedom Partisan is an easy way to support your political party, learn more about it, and get more active. You can even wear your politics on your sleeve with a PFP button of T-shirt.

+ A contribution of $10 makes you a Partisan. You'll receive a subscription to the newsletter, a wallet card, a PFP button, and notices of activities.

+ A gift of $25 makes you a Rebel Partisan. You'll get all of the above, plus a high quality, 100% cotton T-shirt with the PFP logo. White on black.

+ If you give $50 or more, you must be a Revolutionary Partisan. You get the newsletter, button, T-shirt, and a certificate suitable for framing.

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Yes, I'm a Peace and Freedom Partisan!

_____ Here's $10 to support the Peace and Freedom Party. Send me
      The Partisan, wallet card and my PFP button.

_____ I'm sending $25 to Peace and Freedom. Consider me a Rebel
      Partisan and send me a subscription, wallet card, PFP
      button plus a T-shirt in size L _____  XL _____

_____ I'm enclosing $50 ____, or more!  $__________ (amount)
      I'm a Revolutionary Partisan! Send me a subscription,
      wallet card, T-shirt size L _____  XL _____, and put my
      name on the certificate as follows:


Name                                         Phone


Address                           City/Zip

Please clip and mail to: PFP, P.O. Box 24764, Oakland, CA 94623

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