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On November 8:
Vote NO on Propositions 73 - 78
Vote YES on Propositions 79 and 80

October 24 is the last day to register for the November 8 Special Election

Vote November 8
Special Election

Statewide Measures

Proposition 73: No
Protect the privacy and reproductive rights of young women.
Proposition 74: No
No reign of terror in the schools. Protect job rights and freedom for teachers.
Proposition 75: No
Save working people's political rights.
Proposition 76: No
Don't give the governor dictatorial powers.
Proposition 77: No
No to phony electoral "reform" put forward for partisan advantage.
Proposition 78: No
Vote no to the drug companies' scam.
Proposition 79: Yes
Vote for lower drug costs and to stop price gouging.
Proposition 80: Yes
Consumer protection against energy company rip-offs.


Measure D: No
Stop the development scam; protect the environment and the people of the Livermore Valley.

San Francisco

Measure D: Yes
Metropolitan Transportation Commission reform.
Measure I: Yes
"College Not Combat." Put S.F. on record against military recruiting.

More inside on pages 3 (San Francisco Measure I), 4 (Propositions 73, 75, 76, and 77), 5 (Propositions 78, 79 and 80) and 7 (74)

This section includes a graphic of a jester balanced on a ball and carrying a picket sign that says, "Fools Rule when you don't vote" by Gary Huck of Huck/Konopacki Labor Cartoons. A version of it is on the web as part of a get out the vote flier in the Political Action archive of the website of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE).

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