
Olive-Drab Rebels

Subversion of the US Armed Forces in the Vietnam War

“The morale, discipline and battleworthiness of the U.S. Armed Forces are, with a few salient exceptions, lower and worse than at any time in this century and possibly in the history of the United States. By every conceivable indicator, our army that remains in Vietnam is in a state approaching collapse, with individual units avoiding or having refused combat, murdering their officers and non-commissioned officers, drug-ridden and dispirited where not near mutinous. Elsewhere than Vietnam the situation is nearly as serious.” Colonel Robert D.Heinl, June 1971

Revised Edition published October 2003

With a revised introduction, an updated version of Harass The Brass and a new postscript by Matthew Rinaldi.

A PDF file of the whole pamphlet, to print as a booklet

Olive-Drab Rebels Subversion of the US Armed Forces in the Vietnam War: Introduction (revised)

Harass the Brass (revised 2003)

The Olive-Drab Rebels: Military Organising During The Vietnam Era, Matthew Rinaldi [Class Against Class website]

Postscript to The Olive-Drab Rebels, Matthew Rinaldi, 2003



First Edition Published October 2002
A PDF file of the whole pamphlet

Olive-Drab Rebels Subversion of the US Armed Forces in the Vietnam War: Introduction

Harass the Brass [Love & Treason website]

The Olive-Drab Rebels: Military Organising During The Vietnam Era [Class Against Class website]