Stinas and Castoriadis


Revolutionary defeatists in Greece in World War II


Some introductory texts and selected highlights from:

Memoirs – Sixty Years under the Flag of Socialist Revolution

By A. stinas


(translated from the French edition)


Table of Contents

Translator’s Introduction

Further reading

Greek Initials, organisations and publications which occur in the book




Stinas’ Dedication

A Brief Autobiographical Note

By Way of a Preface

Table of Contents(of the French edition)


Chapter 2 – The Awakening of the Popular Masses

The first revolutionary impetus

The founding congress of the Communist Party of Greece and the General Confederation of Workers

The war in Asia Minor, the Kemalist movement and the position of the CPG

Venizelos falls, the monarchists regain power, but the war carries on

The masses reply with strikes and combative demonstrations

The action of the CPG members and the policy of the central committee

Thessaloniki 1920-1921

The struggle against the war

In front of the Adrianoupoleos military tribunal, for high treason

In Yannina


The conference of February 1922

The collapse of the front, the “military revolution” and the revolutionary crisis in Greece

The CPG in the events


Chapter 5 – In the Fascist Galley

In Aiyina

Return to Akronafplia

The assassination of Trotsky

The war between Greece and Italy

The “Provisional Leadership”, or the management of the CPG by the Ministry of Security

The gangster methods of the Stalinists, tolerated by the camp bosses

Hostages of the Germans

The attack against the USSR

The debates in Akhronaflia


The hungry camp nevertheless had its well-fed occupants

The International Red Cross in the camp

By way of a gift, the Stalinist gangsters attack us

In the transfer section of Piraeus

In Evia

The escape


Chapter 6 – In the Struggle for Socialist Revolution

The reconstitution of the group

Marxism and the Nation

Extracts from the reports of the group at the unification congress of the Trotskyists in July 1946

The first spontaneous initiatives under the most horrific politico-military regime that the country had ever known

The military action of EAM-ELAS

Autumn 1943

The war ended, but there was neither revolution nor peace.

The myth of the liberation of the country by EAM

EAM hands power to the “national” government and participates in it

Our withdrawal from the DKKE and our break from Trotskyism


Appendix – The USSR and the Struggle for World Revolution.

1. Revolutionary Policy in the USSR.

2. Bureaucracy and Counter-Revolution.

3. The USSR in the War

4. The Tactic of War on Two Fronts.

5. Revolutionary Defeatism.