Memorial - Page 2

With love for Mewsette from The Tyger's Den, a very dear kitty we will miss terribly. We hope that in some small way this graphic will bring comfort to Mewsette's familie so they will know the angel of Mewsette is with them.

The Tyger's Den Familie

We will miss you Mewsette. Your sweet face and your kindness. Your poems are so wonderful and always will remind us of just how beautiful and caring you were. Until we meet again some day, you will always be in our hearts and our thoughts. We learned so much from you. You were always so giving and loving and thinking of others.

Missing you,
Levi, Maggie & Flo

We will miss seeing her lovely purrface at all the wonderpurr times at CatMountain Lodge!

sad purrs,
Mysty and Storme

I Loved You Best

So this is where we part, My Friend,
and you'll run on, around the bend,
gone from sight, but not from mind,
new pleasures there you'll surely find.
I will go on, I'll find the strength,
life measures quality, not its length.
One long embrace before you leave,
share one last look, before I grieve.
There are others, that much is true,
but they be they, and they aren't you.
And I, fair, impartial, or so I thought,
will remember well all you've taught.
Your place I'll hold, you will be missed,
the fur I stroked, the nose I kissed,
And as you journey to your final rest,
take with you this...I loved you best.

© 2002 Jim Willis

Submitted by our wonderpurr furriends Lucy an Royal

We are very sorry to hear of the loss of Mewsette.

Our condolences and sad purrs
Rafe, Rhett and the Meowmie

Fur Mewsette... We will miss mew so much our dear furriend. Your beauty, charm and grace were only the outward signs of your inner beauty, love and care for others. The dignity you possessed up until the end can never be matched. We will miss all the happy times we had so now be must say so long for a while but never good-bye because we know we will meet again.

Fur E.T.....You gave so much love and happiness to Mewsette. We know she will be with mew always, only a dream away.

To Meowmie Sharon and Phelicity....We know now mew hearts are heavy but one day smiles will come in place of tears as you remember all the joy and love you shared with Mewsette. Her spirit will remain and the love will never die because it will be carried on your hearts forever.

Click here for page 3 of the memorial

Please visit her mom's tribute here.

Please email E.T. here to submit anything for this memorial page. Thank mew.

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