Melissa Busekros
Melissa Busekros, Boycott Germany, Boycott German Goods
Parents Of The World Call For
A Boycott Of All German
Goods Until Melissa Busekros
Is Returned Without Threat Or
Condition To Her Family From
The German Authorities That
Removed Her From Her Home.
This Is An Attack On All Parents Of The World
And All Religions.... “The Right For A Parent
To Teach Their Children According To The
Parents Beliefs Is A God Given Right That
No Government Can Take Away............”
Therefore :

This Is A World Wide Boycott Of Germany By All Parents
Of The World. The German Authorities Have Removed
Melissa Busekros From Her Home Only Because The
Parents Were Teaching Her According To The Families

Read The Following News Stories :
Homeschool family told to give up 5 other kids

Fifteen year old German homeschooler forcibly admitted into a
mental institution

We The Parents Of The World, Call On All The World,
To Support Us In This Boycott Of Germany By Vowing Not To
By Goods, Travel To, Or Support Any Commerce With
Germany. And Do So Until The People Of Germany Rise Up And
Demand Accountability From Their Government. Let The German
Politician Hear You Loud And Clear.

We Encourage All To Contact The Businesses In The Left
Column, (Links At Left, To Their Web Site - Contact Each
Company Through Their Site) And Tell Them Why You Are
Boycotting “Germany”. Also Make Your Reasons Known To The
Contacts Below That You Are Boycotting Germany :

   German Embassy can be reached at:
   Dr. Klaus Scharioth
   Ambassador, German Embassy
   4645 Reservoir Road NW
   Washington, DC, 20007-1998
   (202) 298-4000
The embassy can be e-mailed from its website : E-mail

Minister of Justice in Bavaria can be given the
same message;   Beate Merk
                        Prielmayerstr. 7
                        80335 Munchen
                       Tel. +49 89 5597 1799
                       And his e-mail is:

Melissa and her family can be sent mail to the following address:
(Her parents have said they will try to get the letters and cards to Melissa):
Schallershofer Strasse 72, 91056 Erlangen, Deutschland.

"Germany blatantly spurns parental and human rights and cannot be regarded any
longer as a free country. It is running more and more to tyranny and dictatorship,"
In 1937, the dictator said, "The Youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For
this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the
spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human
beings are still unperverted and therefore unspoiled. This Reich stands, and it is
building itself up for the future, upon its youth. And this new Reich will give its youth
to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own
upbringing." Hitler 1937

"It is beyond belief that Germany is still enforcing a law that was written for one
reason only – to be used by Hitler to control and indoctrinate German youth. It had
no other redeeming value," said Shoshona Bat-Zion on a homeschoolers' blog.
Also Contact:
  Youth Welfare Office
   Director: Edeltraud Höllerer
   Rathausplatz 1
   91052 Erlangen
   Tel. +49 9131 86-2844
   Fax +49 9131 86-2438
   Responsible Official
   Monika Muzenhardt

   Local Court Erlangen
   Family court
   Richterin Frank-Daupin
   Mozartstraße 23
   91052 Erlangen
   Tel. +49 9131-782 01
   Fax +49 9131/782-361
   (No Email address available)

   Minister of Justice in Bavaria
   Beate Merk
   Prielmayerstr. 7
   80335 München
   Tel. +49 89 5597 1799
   Fax +49 89 5597 3580

This Is A Plea To All Parents Of The World.....This Is Just As
Much A Threat To You As It Is To The Busekros Family......
And Your Dollars Will Speak Louder Than All The Courts
And Government Regulations Combined.....
You Can Make A Difference.... Let Germany And The World
Know This Is UNACCEPTABLE Government Intrusion Into
The Family .

This Site Is Copy Right Free....... And You Are Encouraged
To Copy This Site And Post It On Web Servers Around The
World.  Let Germany Know How You Feel........ You Can
Make A Difference......

Parents Around The World Demand The Immediate
Return Of Melissa Busekros To Her Parents &
Family Without Threat Or Condition..............
   Boycott Germany
   * Adidas
   * Adevma Communication Ltd.
   * Allianz
   * Altana
   * Aldi
   * Aldi Süd
   * Arburg
   * Arcor
   * Athena Wissenschaftsmarketing
   * Atsec Information Security
   * BASF
   * Bayer
   * C. Bechstein Pianofortefabrik
   * Behringer
   * Bavaria Film Studios
   * Bechtle
   * Bertelsmann
         o BMG
         o Random House
         o RTL Group
   * Beiersdorf
   * Bilfinger Berger
   * Bosch
         o Blaupunkt
   * BMW
   * Hubert Burda Media
   * Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung
         o Schott AG
   * Celesio
   * Coelan
   * Commerzbank
   * Continental
         o ContiTech AG
   * DaimlerChrysler
   * Mercedes-Benz
   * Dba
   * Degussa
   * Delton
   * Deutsche Bahn
   * Deutsche Bank
   * Deutsche Börse
   * Deutsche Post
         o DHL
   * Deutsche Telekom
         o T-Mobile
         o T-Online
   * Deutz AG
   * Diezel
   * Dräger
   * Dresdner Bank
         o Dresdner Kleinwort
   * Dornier GmbH
   * Douglas Holding
   * E-Plus, owned by KPN
   * EADS (part German)
   * E.ON
   * EnBW
   * Epcos
   * EnOcean
   * EUOSMON Ltd.
   * Fantasy Productions
   * Filmstudio Babelsberg
   * Fischerwerke
   * Fraport
   * Fresenius
   * GEA Group
   * Thonet
   * Gerling
   * Gerolsteiner Brunnen
   * Getrag
   * GfK AG
   * GPC Biotech
   * Grundig
   * Hama GmbH & Co KG
   * Hannover Re
   * Hapag-Lloyd
   * Heckler & Koch
   * Heidelberger Druck
   * Heidelberg Cement
   * Henkel
   * Heraeus
   * Hochtief
   * Howaldtswerke
   * Hugo Boss
   * HypoVereinsbank
   * ifm-Electronics
   * Infineon Technologies
   * Intershop
   * Jenoptik
   * Jil Sander
   * JOMO GmbH & Co. KG
   * Karstadt Quelle
   * Kärcher
   * Käthe Wohlfahrt
   * KBA AG
   * KfW
   * Klöckner
   * Krauss-Maffei
   * Krones
   * KTB mechatronics
   * KUKA
   * A. Lange & Söhne
   * Lamy
   * Leica
   * Löwenbräu
   * Lidl
   * Lidl & Schwarz
   * The Liebherr Group
   * Lindauer DORNIER GmbH
   * Linde AG
   * LTU International
   * Lufthansa
   * Leifheit
   * MAN
   * Medion
   * Meinl Percussion
   * Meinl-Weston
   * Merck
   * METRO
   * Meyer Werft
   * Miele
   * Munich Re (Münchener Rück)
   * Oetker-Gruppe
   * Orenstein and Koppel GmbH
       (No Web Site)
   * Otto GmbH
   * Paul Pietzschke
   * Porsche
   * Preussag
   * PUMA
   * Rawie
   * RWE
   * Salzgitter AG
   * SAP Germany
   * SAP USA
   * Schaller Guitarenparts
   * Schering
   * Schwarz Pharma
   * Seca
   * Sennheiser
   * SGL Carbon
   * Siemens
   * Soehnle
   * Software AG
   * SolarWorld
   * Spaten Bräu
   * Axel Springer AG
   * Stabilo
   * Staedtler
         o Eberhard Faber
   * Stinnes AG
   * Storck
   * STRATO Medien
   * Südzucker
   * Talkline
   * Tchibo
   * Telefunken
   * TETRA
   * ThyssenKrupp
   * TUI AG
   * United Internet
   * Villeroy & Boch
   * Volkswagen Group
         o Volkswagen
         o Audi
         o NSU Motorenwerke AG
            (still technically exists,
             though no products sold)
   * Wacker Chemie
   * Walther
   * Wayss & Freytag
   * Wella
   * Wintershall
   * Züblin
   * ZF Friedrichshafen AG

It is a Zip file...and you must extract or un-zip it first or it will not load correctly.
Don’t just double click on the folder after you down load it, use your extract or unzip.
The four .png files are web formatted picture files that go with the story.....
and they will have to be all put in the same folder on your web server in a file/folder
named      _wp_generated
The next two files : blank.gif and jspngfix.js need to be together in a file/folder
named      _wp_scripts
All three files :
Melissa Busekros.html

Will have to be installed in your web site server root file and would look like this:
file://www.your web name .com
Milissa Busekros.html

To check if it is installed properly ...... go online and type in your web site and
that page.... IE : You would type in on your web browser line .......

www.your web site/Melissa Busekros.html

May God Bless You..... And The Busekros Family
Download This Web Site And Install On Your Web Server !!!!
Post It Around The World !
Down Load This Web Site Here :   Melissa Busekros.html