I was recently asked to have a look at this site, dedicated to the Norwegian player Deft , a somewhat underrated 5d on KGS - the Kiseido Go Server . Deft often kibitzes on this server. Unlike me, his comments are worth reading, he listens to and discusses ideas from all ranks, and is patient and good humoured.
He has excellent strategic insight, a feel for good shape and a sharp eye for tesuji, all of which he gladly explains. This is linked to an ability to rapidly appraise a game and assess the balance of territory- fundamental to calm play and clarity of thought. This also shows in his play, which often has a smooth and clear appearance (except when he plays toxxicu). All told, an excellent example of what internet go should be about.
KGS user Dr. Muttley Dog, available for weddings, funerals and Bar Mitzvahs (is the cheque in the post?)