I N T R O D U C T I O N.
Welcome to SICK, the only TFL-approved fanlisting for the musician "Majandra Delfino". If you are here because you're a fan, please read the rules, grab a code then go ahead and join the members list. This fanlisting officially opened on April 7th 2007 and is currently maintained by Alisea.

S T A T I S T I C S.
Last updated: 30th June 2008 : 1 new member
Member Count: 03
Created: 7th April 2007

D I S C L A I M E R.
This site is simply a fanlisting for the musician Majandra Delfino (not as a actress), made by a fan for all fans worldwide. I have no personal contacts, so please DO NOT send me any forwarding emails, or requests for more information such as photos or anything of the sort, etc. Thank you.

A F F I L I A T E S.

Please email me if you like to be affiliates.