TTT-Himnaro Cigneta (to the title page)
The Esperanto Online Hymnal

(angla lingvo)

Amazing Grace! (Stanzas Added)
These are stanzas added by the Folk Process
They were not part of the original Amazing Grace,
which was published in 1779 in Olney Hymns

set to the unaccompanied tune used
by the
Old Regular Baptists of Kentucky (MIDI)

The more generally customary tune, NEW BRITAIN: (MIDI)

My chief source for most of these additional stanzas was a couple of threads on the subject at the Mudcat Café, an incredible resource for the discussion of virtually any issue, especially if it intersects the folk process in music! I owe particular thanks to Mudcat contributors Jean Ritchie (and her son Jon who sent me the ORB tune), Burke, and Barbara Shaw, but many other individuals and sites had some input. Thank you all.
Thread: Amazing Grace
Thread: Lyr Req: Amazing Grace 'disrobed' stanza

Links with the Old Regular Baptist tune:
Sheet Music of this tune (JPEG) as sung by Jean Ritchie
The original Olney stanzas (I haven't checked the typographical accidentals)
Two Esperanto hymns (parallel texts: on the left a pretty good hymn written originally in Esperanto;
     on the right, a rather lame translation of Olney 1-5 plus the 10,000 years stanza)
Links with the usual New Britain tune:
The Cyber Hymnal
     (scroll down for links to Afrikaans, romanized Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Kiowa, Navajo, Spanish)
Two Esperanto hymns: Mirinda graco (translation); Miriga graco (original)
Cherokee version (syllabic) (Cherokee Christian oral tradition recalls the singing of this hymn
      on the Trail of Tears from the Carolinas to the Indian Territory; is the tune recalled?)
Two Japanese versions (one in kana, the other in romaji)
Scottish Gaelic version (scroll down below collection of English stanzas)
Offline resources:
A Lakota version is in the United Church of Christ's 1995 New Century Hymnal (in a [to me] disconcertingly anglicizing orthography)

TTT-Himnaro Cigneta
The ESPERANTO Online Hymnal
is affiliated with
Eldonejo Cigneto