TTT-Himnaro Cigneta (al la titolpagxo)

angla lingvo

My heart and voice I raise

Esperanto version: Al la Mesio mi nun laŭdas tie ĉi

Verkis (angle) : Benjamin RHODES, 1787?

Source : JWCol 731 & Sacred Harp Online

  1. My heart and voice I raise,
    To spread Messiah's praise;
    Messiah's praise let all repeat;
    The universal Lord,
    By whose almighty word
    Creation rose in form complete.

  2. A servant's form he wore,
    And in his body bore
    Our dreadful curse on Calvary:
    He like a victim stood,
    And poured his sacred blood,
    To set the guilty captives free.

  3. But soon the Victor rose
    Triumphant o'er his foes,
    And led the vanquished host in chains:
    He threw their empire down,
    His foes compelled to own,
    O'er all the great Messiah reigns.

  4. With mercy's mildest grace,
    He governs all our race
    In wisdom, righteousness, and love:
    Who to Messiah fly
    Shall find redemption nigh,
    And all his great salvation prove.

  5. Hail, Saviour, Prince of peace!
    Thy kingdom shall increase,
    Till all the world thy glory see;
    And righteousness abound,
    As the great deep profound,
    And fill the earth with purity!

  6. Jerusalem divine,
    When shall I call thee mine?
    And to thy holy hill attain,
    Where weary pilgrims rest,
    And in thy glories blest,
    With God Messiah ever reign?

  7. There saints and angels join
    In fellowship divine,
    And rapture swells the solemn lay:
    While all with one accord
    Adore their glorious Lord,
    And shout his praise in endless day.

  8. May I but find the grace
    To fill an humble place
    In that inheritance above;
    My tuneful voice I'll raise
    In songs of loudest praise,
    To spread thy fame, Redeeming Love!

  9. Reign, true Messiah, reign!
    Thy kingdom shall remain
    When stars and sun no more shall shine;
    Mysterious Deity,
    Who ne'er began to be,
    To sound thy endless praise be mine!

ANONYMOUS (in Schlesische Volkslieder ["Silesian Folksongs"], 1842)
arr. Richard Storrs WILLIS, 1850
This melody appears under many names in hymnals;
besides St. Elizabeth one also finds it given as
Ascalon, Crusaders' Hymn, Schönster Herr Jesu and St. Elisabeth.

This is the text given (one stanza only) in Sacred Harp Online; tune is not shown, but the meter doesn't match that given in Wesley, which is also that of the Esperanto version:

My heart and voice I raise
To spread Messiah's praise;
Let all repeat the universal Lord.
Praise Him by whose almighty word,
Creation rose in form complete.
If you have other stanzas in this meter, please send them to me! Thanks! Also, let me know if you can confirm or correct the date of the text; Sacred Harp Online gives 1787, but the first edition of JWCol is, I believe, dated 1780 (I have not seen that edition to check the contents).

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Liland Brajant Ros'