TTT-Himnaro Cigneta (al la titolpagxo)


When great King David, sorely afflicted

Kiam David’ en granda malĝojo

Psalmus Hungaricus
Mikoron Dávid nagy búsultában

Attend to me, and answer me; I am overcome by my trouble. I am distraught : Psalms 55.2

Written (in Hungarian) by Mihály Kecskeméti VÉG, 1565
based upon Psalm 55
Esperanto translation : Adolf BURKHARDT
English translation (mainly from the Esperanto) : Liland Brajant ROS'

Fonto : LBR

  1. When great King David, sorely afflicted—
    Even by friends abused and ill treated—
    Bitterly cried his heart's desolation,
    Then he began to pray to the Lord God:
  2. "O God, my Lord, I pray Thee to hear me!
    Turn back Thine eyes upon me, Thy servant!
    Leave me no longer in my bereftness!
    My heart within me weeps deepest anguish!
  3. Had I but wings—a dove's or an eagle's—
    I would have flown away from my troubles,
    Far from the tempest I would take shelter,
    Flee from my foes and rest in the deep desert.
  4. Cry to the Lord, my soul and my thinking!
    Cast on Him all your cares and depressions—
    Trust in the Lord, your prayers He will answer:
    He will not suffer His own to be cast down."

Composed by KODÁLY Zoltán

estas parto de
La Lilandejo

la TTTejo de
Liland Brajant Ros'