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Courtroom T.V Shows


This page is dedicated to some of the best television shows ever!!! Those, of course, are the T.V. shows that take place in a courtroom.


The first of these was The People's Court with Judge Wapner. But now he's on some animal court show, so we won't even consider him.



Then came my favorite Courtroom Show....



Judge Judy is by far the best judge to ever be on T.V.


Judith Sheindlin began her law career in 1972 as a prosecutor of juvinile cases in New York.

Judge Judy was appointed to New York's Family Court as a judge in 1982 by the mayor of that time, Ed Koch (Who happens now to be the judge on The People's Court).

Four ears later, Judge Judy was appointed to be the supervising judge in Manhatten.

Due to her reputation, she was featured on 60 Minutes, and then hired to do the Judge Judy television show premiering on September 16, 1996.

It is interresting to note that Judge Judy's Husband will soon be the judge on "The People's Court."



The next judge is Judge Mills Lane.


Mills Lane was once a rifle instructor for the U.S. Marines, as well as a welterweight boxer. He even once was a boxing referee, maybe best known for disqualifying Mike Tyson in his fight against Evander Holyfield.

Mills Lane is almost as tough as Judge Judy (if not tougher).


It is funny to note that his famous opening line to almost all of his court cases is "Let's Get it on..." (Which rumor has it was the way he proposed to his wife --but this is not confirmed--).


The WB11 Mills Lane Home Page -- Let's Get it on!!





Judge Joe Brown is also rising to popularity.


There is very little information about Joe Brown that one can find, but I do know the following.


Brown was born in Washington DC, but raised in South Central Los Angeles. He decided to get out of inner city life, and dug ditches to raise money to go to college at UCLA.

Now, Judge Joe Brown is using alternative punishments in his courtroom. An example of this is how he once told a victim of a robbery to go into the theif's house and steal something.

Joe Brown DOES NOT have a website that I know of.

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