
Welcome to the Witchcraft Dawning Newsletter, Ralph has put together a wonderful introduction to Astrology for you  this edition.  I'll let his writing speak for itself.  The next  edition will be an extended article on Walpurgisnacht (or Beltain), so  be ready for a lot of reading :) Enjoy, Markus 

Astrology is a complicated science, but it is a powerful, "magickal"  tool in that it deals with awesome natural energies. These energies  are not limited to the earth. They also include the planetary energies  of our solar system which is our home in an almost inconceivably  infinite universe. The science & study of astrology can be found in records dating back  to 3000 BC and appears to have its origin in Mesopotamia. The word,  "astrology", originated from the Greek words, "astro", (star) and  "logos", (meaning or reasoning). Through the ages, the human race has  depended on the study of the earth in relation to the other planets of  the solar system to understand many aspects of both communal and  individual life. Some main areas of life affected by the study of the  planets that still exist today are farming, fishing and the prediction  of the tides. It has been said that the tides, here on earth, are  determined, or at least greatly affected, by the gravitational pull of  the moon. Throughout history, farmers have relied on the seasons and  phases of the moon to help determine the type of crops to raise and  most favorable times to plant and harvest them. Fishermen and hunters  have learned to determine the feeding times and instinctive behavior  of their game through the use of the seasons and positions of the  moon. 

Many of the great minds of history, such as Ptolemy, Pythagoras,  Copernicus, Newton, Kepler, Brahe and Napier, aided in the development  of astrology as a science through their studies of astronomical data  and the phenomena of the universal laws of physics. On the more  psychological plain, Carl G. Jung was credited for the further  development of the phenomena of synchronicity and man's unconscious  symbolism as a means of connecting with something greater than just  physical existence. By definition, the phenomena of synchronicity  implies that anything that originates or exists at a peticular moment  in time carries with it the qualities of that moment in time. This  belief gives understanding to how the planetary influences at play at  the time of birth help to shape an individual's astrological  personality or characteristics. In the study of astrology, one cannot argue with the validity of the  astrological data which determines the factual planetary positions,  but one can debate the validity of the astrological interpretations or  delineation of those positions. 

The debate seems to arise out of a  lack of empirical or scientific evidence supporting the  interpretations. In the early days of the development of astrology,  the planet's positions and influences were considered all important in  the living of daily life. Astrology and Astronomy grew hand in hand  with the ongoing discoveries of the laws of physics. As time  progressed, the mathematical facts that proved the laws of physics,  and the positions of the planets began to take precedence over  interpreting the meanings or influences of those positions. Consider, for a moment, the fact that the gravitational pull of the  moon has been said to have a major effect on the incredibly large  bodies of water, known to us as oceans. In turn, consider the fact  that the human body is composed of a greatest percentage of ... yes ... water. 

Now, if the amount of water in the human body is considered  to be significantly less than the amount of water in the tremendous  bodies of water, known as oceans. It would logically follow that since  the moon has such a tremendous effect on those incredibly large bodies  of water it may also have an effect on the human body - however minute  that effect may be considered to be. There are, of course, many  variables to this view, but the basic statement still holds true -  "however minute that effect is considered to be". Understand, we are  not talking about the concepts of determinism, blind cause and effect  or "fate". We are discussing energies and potential effects of those  energies. Dropping an apple results in the display of the power of  gravity, and although we cannot for a second see gravity, we  continuously feel its effects. The study of astrology is a fascinating approach and addition to the  journey of self-discovery or self-awakening. There is a very powerful  awareness of the "self (higher & lower)" that comes with the study of  astrology. Through the study of the human condition, it has been said  that a human being is much more than a physical extension interacting  in an external environment, and that physical extention is, in fact,  only a small part of the core of existence! 

The interesting thing  about astrology is that it can be used as a tool in the journey of  self-retrieval, or it can be used as a vehicle for just plain  enjoyment and fun! An astrological personality report is usually referred to as a natal  report. The natal report charts the positions of the planets in our  solar system at an exact moment in time. The horoscope is a  representation of the planet's positions and orbits in relation to the  earth at the specific time of your birth and can be viewed as your  individualized "astrological fingerprint".  It is a charting of the  planetary positions in zodiac signs, houses and aspects to each other  at the time of your birth. This "freeze frame" of the solar system is  calculated from your unique date, time and location of birth, and it  is filled with information in relation to what the planetary energies  at play have to say about you as an individual. 

The positions of the  zodiac and planets will never again be the same as at the time of your  birth again. The natal report is compounded from factual astronomical data, and it  differs greatly from the common Sun Sign daily horoscope reports that  you may be familiar with through reading your favorite magazine or  newspaper. The natal chart is a study of the planetary energies at  play at the time of your birth. Each planetary position is calculated  by the use factual astronomical data and will be charted to provide  you with your individual "universal identification". An individual  natal profile is compounded through the calculation, charting and  interpretation of the data given and will only be as accurate as the  accuracy of the date, time and location of birth submitted for  charting.  The natal report is an incredible tool in the journey of  self-discovery and understanding. Through becoming familiar with it,  you may see aspects of your life or personality that you may have  already known were there or aspects that you may have not been  familiar with at all. At this point it is important to understand that  the chart interpretation grounds itself in aspects of your "being" or  personality. 

"Whatever is born, or done, in this moment of time, has the qualities  of this moment in time." - Carl G. Jung Here are some brief and simple character traits of the signs of the  zodiac. 

ARIES Needs freedom and likes to project self. Not much concern for  social approval. Concerned with being responsible, practical and  reasonable.  

TAURUS Needs others and has empathetic nature. Has ablilty for  self-sacrifice, but is also egotistic, self seeking and materialistic.  Needs security. Stable, constant, persistent, creative. 

GEMINI Appears to be shallow and self absorbed. Has a mysterious and almost sinister humor. Analytical and has a high degree of mental  stimulation understanding things quickly.  Very fond of games and  trickery. Quick reflexes and communications. 

CANCER Needs emotional security, nurturing and personal relationships.  Very tactful and intuitive, but can be very protective and possessive. 

LEO Prideful and assertiveness. Persistent and stubborn, and can be  egotistic and self-centered. Loves self expression and to be admired  by others.  

VIRGO Has need for perfection and has difficulty with final decisions.  Fussy, loyal, precise and efficient.  

LIBRA Has need for balance and harmony. Decisions are sometimes very  difficult to make. Needs relation with others to develop self  awareness. Enjoys social activity and loves beauty. 

SCORPIO Has difficulty with analyzing and communicating feelings.   Lives intense and dramatic. Has a tendency to stir up trouble for  others due to own confusions. Intense, mystic, passionate. 
SAGITTARIUS  Concerned with the future. Very intuitive, to the point  of knowing without thinking what people will do.  Has a desire to help  people but can be blunt. Puts greater value on wisdom than knowledge. 

CAPRICORN  Somewhat introverted, tense and sometimes over serious.  Frequently finding self alone. Can be bossy and controlling. 
AQUARIUS  Needs social interaction in order to help define oneself.   Mentally stimulating and inventive. Can be detached and creative. 
PISCES  Has tendency to escape reality.  May dilute reality with the  possible use of drug and alcohol abuse. Has a passion for animals.  Desires to be of service to others. Spiritual and transcending. 

Article by Ralph *******************************************************************

 Editors: Ralph M ralphm@hotmail.com &

Markus James Key Witchcraft Dawning Webmaster http://www.oocities.com/CollegePark/4885/index.html witchdawn@hotmail.com 

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