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This is a page to help those unfortunate mothers who find themselves with these dolls that can't wear Barbie's clothes but they don't know what they are!!

The idea here is to show pictures of the dolls, and identify them for you. Most have pictures of the box (if you are lucky enough to have one) and pictures of the doll itself. On this page there are general descriptions with links to pictures and more information. If you are more interested in reading descriptions of these dolls, let me suggest The Jem Jam! It has a wonderful section that is more text-based describing these dolls, and other goings on in the Jem world. :)

DISCLAIMER: All of these pictures came from listings at eBay Auction Classifieds. As far as I know, I am not in violation of anything in putting these here. If I am, let me know and this page will be spontaneously remodeled accordingly. On that note, enjoy!!!

Jem and the Girls... oh, yeah, and Rio, too...

  • Her skin is purple. Her hair is darker purple. Who is she, an alien?? Not exactly...

  • Your daughter says she's "Jem", but which one is that??

  • Her hair is more red than any redhead you've ever seen, and perhaps she has this keyboard...

  • Ok, we're back to purple again, but it's lighter, and she has brown skin. What's up with this one??

  • She looks sweet, she's Asian, but she has blue hair...

  • This is the biggest Ken you've ever seen, and someone dyed his hair this weird purple color. Well, guess what! Jem has a boyfriend!!

Someday all this will be completed... Come back and see!!

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