AGREEMENT Respecting the Frontier Between the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and Eritrea from Sabderat to Todluc. Signed at Todluc, 16th April, 1901
COMMENCING from the last pillar erected in 1899 by Major Walter and Captain Bongiovanni on the south of the Kassala-Sabderat road, the boundary runs in a southerly direction practically in a straight line to Jebel Anderaib, situated about 3 kilometers. from the right bank of the Gash; from there it turns nearly due west to a point on the Gash south of Jebel Gulsa, which it leaves entirely in Soudan territory; from the right bank of the Gash it runs straight to the highest point of Jebel Abu Gamal. From Jebel Abu Gamal it proceeds in a straight line to a point in latitude 140 52' north, on the right bank of the Atbara in the small district of El Egeiri, which is bounded on the north by the districts of El Yoya and El Rumeila, and on the south by that of El Alim. From this point it ascends the deepest channel of the Atbara till it reaches its junction with the Setit, where it leaves the Atbara and ascends the deepest channel of the Setit to a point between the district of El Gireiish and Abuda. From here it proceeds in a straight line on a true bearing of about 560 east of north to Todlue, leaving within the territory of Erythrea the group of low hills known as Jebel Alaklai.

Done in double original at Todlue, the 16th day of April, 1901.

M. G. TALBOT, Miralai, Commissioner for the Sudan.
GIUSEPPE COLLI DI FELIZZANO, Tenente Piemonte Reale Cavalieria incaricato per il Governo del Eritrea.

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