Treaty Between Italy and Ethiopia, for the Delimitation of the Frontier betwen Eritrea and Ethiopia. Signed at Addis Ababa, 10th July, 1900
(Ratified by the King of Italy, 13th April, 1901.)
In the name of the Holy Trinity

His Majesty Humbert I, King of Italy, and His Majesty Menelek II, King of Kings of Ethiopia; in the desire to regulate the question of the frontier between the Colony of Eritrea and Ethiopia which has remained open since the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace of Addis .Ababa of the 26th October, 1896 (17 Tekemt, 1889), have agreed on and concluded the following Convention :- Art. I.-The line Tomat-Todlue-Mareb-Belesa-Muna, traced on the map annexed, is recogniwd by the two Contracting Parties as the boundary between Eritrea and Ethiopia. Art. II.-The Italian Governiment binds itself not to cede or sell to any other Power the territory comprised between the Line Tomat, Todlue, Mareb-Mai, Ambessa-Mai, Feccia-Mai, Maretta-Mai, HaMahio, Piano galine Faraone, and the line Tomat, Todluc, Mareb, Belesa, Muna, left by His Majesty Menelek II, King of King of Ethiopia, to Italy.

His Majesty Menelek II, King of King of Ethiopia, in his own name, for himself and for his successors, and Captain Federico Ciccodicola, in the name of His Majesty Humbert I, King of Italy, for himself and his successors, in mutual agreement, have written this convention, in the Italian and Amharic languages, both to be considered official save that in case of error in writing the Emperor Menelik will rely on the Amharic version, and in witness of their approval have sealed it with their seals.

Written in the city of Addis Ababa, the 10th July, 1900 (3 Hamlie, 1892, year of Pardon).

(Seal of the Emperor Menelek.)

(L.S.) Capitano FEDERICO CICCODICOLA, Representative of His Majesty the King of Italy in Ethiopia.

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