C.A.P.S.I. Sponsors and Useful Links

C.A.P.S.I. would like to thank the following companies and associations for their generous support:


CAPSI Gold Club Sponsors ($1500+)


CAPSI Silver Club Sponsors ($1000+)


CAPSI Bronze Club Sponsors ($500+)

Our generous advertiser, who offered us half-page colored ads in their publication:


Our mistake:  January's issue of the CAPSIL failed to recognize the generous support of these CAPSI Silver Club Sponsors:

January's issue of the CAPSIL also failed to recognize the generous support of these CAPSI Bronze Club Sponsors:


"CAPSI would like to extend a special thank-you to  the following companies/organizations for their support:

Medisca: for their official sponsorship of the CAPSI Compounding competition.

AstraZeneca:  for generously providing CAPSI with four National videoteleconfernces.

Merck Frosst: for sponsorship of the CSHP/CAPSI Pharmaceutical CarePoster Competition.

IMS:  for donating a free page of advertising in the IMS ReferenceManual

Novopharm Inc:  for the new CAPSI ititiatives, such as the professional

portfolios and the Leadership and Strategic Planning Seminars for each Pharmacy Student Council accross Canada.

Micromedex/USPDI for their support of the interview competition in the form of 90 copies of USPDI Vol I and Vol II for the year 2000.


Below are links you may find useful:

Faculties of Pharmacy

Provincial Pharmacy Organizations

Local Pharmacy Student Councils

National Pharmacy Organizations

Other Pharmacy Organizations


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If you would like us to link to your website, please submit your website address to raymond.chan@utoronto.ca for consideration.   Please refer to http://come.to/capsi in your email.