Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Hey !
You are on Alam's Cyber Space !!
This time, I'm gonna let you go after just Viewing my Guest Book
but, next time you're not gonna get away without Signing my Guest Book
Oh, forgot one thing ....

OK, just kidding !!  
Wanna know who I am ??
you might already know me, but still for those who are new....

My name is Muhammad Mashhood Alam, a native of Karachi - the best City in Pakistan (probably in the whole world, atleast for me), professionally, 
A Computer Engineer from NED University of Engg. & Tech., completed Masters in Computer / System Science from Louisiana State University and ended up in the Silicon Valley...... 

My interests include Surfing the Web, Swimming, Playing Chess & Keyboards, by the way, somehow managed to win the Chess Master trophy at NED too. 

I Love watching sports such as Cricket, Tennis & Soccer, as you know, I am pretty lazy to participate in such physical games.......... although was chosen to lead my department's cricket team in the Inter-departmental Cricket Tournament at NED in 1996, coz no one else was cool enough....

C'mmon ......... Isn't it enough ......
OK, then go ahead and checkout the rest of the site as well....