




Form of Event
Event Organizer
Main Organizing Comitee




The dawn of the new millennium is on the horizon. The enormous challenges that we would face as a nation are greater than ever. Not only that we have rebuild the ashes of our crisis torn country, we would face tougher competition from better-prepared countries and ever increasingly difficult challenges.

To be able to compete, the most important yet often neglected resources of Indonesia: it’s people, must be developed. If we ever want to catch up with the developed countries, our human resources will have to be well utilised. In an bid to do our part, we intend to help create:


Opinionated, public speakers

Average Indonesians are notoriously known for their inability to express themselves verbally. From classrooms to the parliament, many remain as passive participants. Indonesians, in general, also fall victim to group thinking, and unable to handle differences of opinion very well. Debating can reverse all that. In debating, we are faced with the challenge of clearly defining and defending our opinion in front of others. Good debaters are also people who value differing views as a way to learn and expand one’s horizon.

Proficient English speakers

Lack of English proficiency is one of the prohibiting factors that hamper the development of Indonesian human resources compared to neighbouring nations. The competition will have the participants debating in Australasian Parliamentary style with English as the medium. Participants must be able to make their arguments in clear and correct English if they wish to succeed.

Critical thinkers

Critical thinking haven’t been Indonesians strongest point, especially in the last 33 years. Indoctrination style education system even at university level fail to develop much needed critical thinkers. In debating, the mastery of language usage is not enough. In fairly limited time, a debater must be able to analyse the issue his/her debated, take all aspects into consideration and find convincing evidence to support their argument.

It is clear that debating has many things to offer. Therefore, we are driven to continue the effort that has begun with IVED’98, to introduce competitive debating in Indonesia. Early signs of success began appearing after the event last year. Dozens of institutions show tremendous interest in participating, and many formed debate societies in their respective campuses. Some of them are even organising regional debating competitions to be held early this year.

As the previous event, the competition will have the same standard and format in similar debate competitions in the

regional and international level. Through this event, great minds will meet. Although gathering in the form of competition, we are still compelled by

the idealism of students to discuss social, political, economic, and cultural issues.




  1. To socialise debating, especially competitive debating, as an university student activity.
  2. To provide university students with an opportunity to develop their competitive debating skills, which include: English proficiency, logical and critical thinking, public speaking, and ability to formulate, present, and defend arguments.
  3. To foster networking and friendship amongst university students all across Indonesia.



Form of Event

The event proposed takes form of a debating competition as follows:

Name : Indonesian Varsities English Debate 1999 (IVED '99)
Format : Australasian Parliamentary
Language : English
Participants : university students from all over Indonesia
Time : 13th – 16th August 1999
Place : Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta


Event Organizer

This event is held by IVED 99 Atma Jaya Organizing Committee. Atma Jaya received the mandate to conduct the event during the Indonesian Council Meeting conducted during IVED 98. Driven by Atma Jaya debaters who participated in IVED 98, the organizing committee consist of various elements of Atma Jaya family.


Main Organizing Committee


Project Officer :   M. Budi Aditya Akbarsjah

Executive Officer :   Carmelita S. Cajumban

Secretary :   Leo Antonius

Treasurer :   Daniel Budi Dharmawan

Program Officer :   Lince

Technical Officer :    Aviva Nababan




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