My family

My Family

My family is basically the backbone of my life. They are there when I need them and they support whatever I do. I have a sister named Patricia, who is the one person who really knows me. I also have a brother named Chuck. He's a good guy, but he tries too hard sometimes. My sister is married and has kids. They are Ashley who is 17 and Cody who is 13. I don't know what I would do if they weren't in my life. They are the greatest.

My dad Chuck is great. My dad helps us whenever we need him. He gives too much sometimes. He just wants to make sure that we know that he loves us. I also have a dog named Sammi. She is great. I love her so much. We also have a cat named Cricket. Cricket just recently passed away. We had to put him to sleep because of kidney problems. He is definetly missed.

Our family is very close knit. We may get into a fight, but we always make up in the end. Somedays I think we disfunctional, but I guess all of our families are in one way or another.
