Souther Illinois University

I'm going to SIU now and I hope to graduate in 2002. I major in Radio-Television. One day I hope to become a a director of sitcoms and dramas. After high school I took a few years off to work. Bad mistake. Few years turned into five. I was kinda scared to go to college now, cause everyone would be so much younger then I was. The minute I got to school though, I loved it. It was so much fun. I think too much fun. By the end of the semester I was put on academic probation.

I lived in the dorms for awhile. My dorm was Neeley hall, the place for students over 21. I should say THE DRINKING PLACE. We were the only dorm allowed to drink in our rooms. Knowing that of course I drank a little. Now I have my own apartment. It's much better living than the dorm. I'm happy that I went to Disney World for the college program. It made me see that college is a great place. You need to enjoy the experiances you have there, and also you need to work hard.