Villa Escudero




Photo Gallery(Trainings)

Villa Escudero

Prof. Anuradha De, nominated by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, participated in a Program on “Competency-Based Training (CBT) System for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institutions” during January 16-27, 2006 in Manila, Philippines. During that program, there was one-day week-end visit to Villa Escudero. The visit itself was very enjoyable and informative. That is why, it is a pleasure of her to share the exciting experience about Villa Escudero with the viewer of this site.

Villa Escudero, is a resort, famous for plantation in Philippines It is a two-hour drive south from Metro Manila location. Villa Escudero is working on coconut plantation and it was founded in 1872. In 1980 the Escudero family opened the plantation to general public. Since then Villa Escudero has developed a worldwide reputation as a focal point to experience Philippine culture and history in a beautiful rural setting.

The Villa Escudero is a huge place with beautiful greenery. Moving around the place is provided by special car driven by buffalo. Culture of the place is displayed with statues in the garden. Facilities inside the campus are:

  • Exhibition cum sell of special items of interest of Philippines
  • Reception hall for marriage specially hired by famous personalities
  • Beautiful guest apartments of different standards
  • Children swimming pool facility
  • Boating arrangement for two persons at a time using floating platform
  • Separate Food place under artificial waterfall. Stream of water is flowing down the dinning tables. Basin and tap used for wash are made with natural shell
  • Open auditorium for afternoon cultural show where traditional dances from different parts of Philippines are demonstrated. In a deliberation, special dances were performed with handkerchiefs and live hens.

Apart from the above arrangements there is a very good two-storied museum known as AERA Museum; acronym from Arsenio Escudero Rosario Adap. Information obtained while roaming round the museum was that there are seven guides and the museum was started building from 1923. The 1st generation Escudero family was having members Mr. Placido Escudero (Spanish) and his Philippine wife. The 2nd generation was with their 1st son Mr. Arcenneo Escudero. He married Ms. Rosario Adap. The museum name was based on their names. Pictures of 2nd generation were taken in 1973 on the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. Arcenneo Escudero and Ms. Rosario Adap.. All pictures are displayed inside the museum. The 3rd generation of Escudero family is having 7 children, three boys and four girls. Old costumes and pictures are in display. 1st president of the country was General Emilio Aqunaldo and 14th president was Mr. Gloria Arroyo from 3rd generation of this Escudero family. 4th and 5th generations of Escudero family are living in different parts of Philippines; some of them are living in the splendid house inside the Villa Escudero.

Ground floor of the museum is having the following information.

  • Various statues of Jesus and mother Merry are on display
  • Jesus Old Testament is also portrayed in picture. The writing is visible using a powerful magnifying glass, placed sideway
  • Different types of stuffed animals, samples of bees, butterfly, statuses with costumes of different cultures.

1st floor of the museum consists of huge collected works; some are during 11-18 century. The followings are some information:

  • Weapon of 1st and 2nd World War from different countries like Japan, USA, Germany, Spain etc.
  • Different kinds of Gun, Helmet, War uniform made with metal
  • Different kinds of knives
  • Skull of different animals
  • Different costumes from Japan, Korea, Span, America and Philippines. Most of the costumes of Philipinos’ are made of from very expensive pineapple leaves
  • Philippines coffins of 100 years old; an original child head of the year 1974 acquired from South America is also kept after removing skull
  • Picture of Dr. Jose Rizal, who is considered as national hero of Philippines. He was a famous doctor and he was killed by Spanish in 18th century
  • Glass ware, bed-set , mats, light pot set
  • Coin and currency of different countries
  • Displayed of dinning room with old dinning table with dinner set
  • Different types of jewelry boxes
  • Dresses with different types of embroidery
  • Cutlery sets made of silvers and other metal,
  • Mirror, Furniture and musical instruments, fans, gramophone, photographs, even horse carriage
  • Watches, perfumes bottles, combs
  • Different types of Japanese fans through the ages
  • Very very big pots received from China and various types of vases
  • Almirah filled with children clothes and play goods made of metals and glasses
  • Different types of purses, magnifying glass
  • Statues of Spanish army with costumes
  • Statues with original costumes of different generations.

It was really a special day with visiting informative Escudero museum, moving around by riding buffalo-driven car while listening songs sang by accompanied expert artists by playing piano, having lunch in open air dinning place while dipping feet in running water flowing down from the artificial huge water fall, watching children splashing in swimming pool, enjoying boat rides in the wide clean lake and witnessing the cultural performance in the afternoon with relics of the past and present of Philippines in open auditorium of Villa Escudero.