HTML Help Guide

Some people seem to be under the impression that HTML coding is an almost impossible thing to learn. With this quick little guide, I hope to show everyone that it really isn't that hard. I learned HTML in about 5 or 10 minutes.

In order to understand some of the terms that will be used, you might want to check into the glossary . It's a helpful reference to all the terms you will need to get to know.

The easiest way to use HTML coding is in a program located on your computer called Notepad. In this program you can type the simplest coding and save it as an HTML document. Why don't you click on the word Notepad and try this out.

First you need to notify the computer that it will be an HTML document. You do this by typing <HTML> then type <HEAD> to notify it's the heading, and <TITLE> to give the document a title. The < > signify a command. Inside of the < > is the actual command. By typing </HEAD></TITLE>,the / is a sign that the command has ended. You coding should look like this:


It is easier to type in all caps for your commands so that when you are trying to find errors, you know what is coding, and what is supposed to be showing up on the page. After your heading and title, you will need to notify the computer that you are starting the body of your text. <BODY>



(Then you can type your body here.)


The /body and /html signify the end of the body and the end of the html coding. Not so hard, is it?

There are many web page sites that are free, Geocities is an example of this. All you need to do is fill out a little form and play around. They also make it even simpler by offering a fill in the blanks kind of form to create a very simple page.

Check out my Code Cheat Sheet.

Also check out Kevin Werbach's "Bare Bones Guide to HTML". It was a big help to me.